by Israel in Lebanon (2006) and in Gaza (2009). 105-1, 105th Congress, 1st Session); Reported favorably by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations July 29, 2008 (Senate Executive Report No. Emphasis added.) The 1938 Amsterdam Draft Convention for the Protection of Civilian Populations Against New Engines of War (never adopted in legally binding form) prohibits the use of chemical, incendiary or bacterial weapons in times of war. The volunteer organization Syria Civil Defense reported, for example, that on March 16, 2018, an incendiary weapon attack on Kafr Batna, in Eastern Ghouta, killed at least 61 people and injured more than 200. Over time, extensive scarring tightens muscle tissue and creates physical disabilities. The full title is Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects. *IIRC, the USA refused to sign this treaty. Incendiary weapons are munitions that produce fire through a chemical reaction. Under the CCM, submunitions that contain an incendiary substance, and which are dispersed or released by a cluster munition and are designed to function by detonating an explosive charge prior to, on or after impact, are prohibited. 49. For a proposalon possible ways of classifyingincendiary munitions with a view to legal regulation, see ICRC, Report, Conference of Government Experts on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons (Lucerne, 24.9-18.10.1974), Geneva, 1975, p. 106. F. J. Yuzon, 'Deliberate Environmental Modification Through the Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons: "Greening" the International Laws of Armed Conflict to Establish an Environmentally Protective Regime', 11(5)(1996) American University Law Review, 804. The ZAB-100-105 may be found with a solid incendiary filling material or can be filled with small Incendiary bomblets which are scattered by the high-explosive bursting charge. (a) Incendiary weapons can take the form of, for example, flame throwers, fougasses, shells, rockets, grenades, mines, bombs and other containers of incendiary substances. Victims and medical professionals who try to remove it may inadvertently spread the burning material to other areas of the body, in particular the hands. The Commission also noted that the Protocol does not make the use of such weapons per se unlawful. When incendiary weapons are used in conjunction with explosive weapons, victims may suffer combined burn and blast injury, which are associated with higher mortality than each wounding type alone. When the bomb is released from the aircraft, the container will tumble end over end, the arming wires are pulled from the fuzes, arming the bomb. B. Toon et al., 'Atmospheric effects and societal consequences of regional scalenuclear conicts and acts of individual nuclear terrorism', in Atmos. Incendiary weapons are governed by Protocol III to the 1980 Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW). [1], The protocol prohibits, in all circumstances, making the civilian population as such, individual civilians or civilian objects, the object of attack by any weapon or munition which is primarily designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons through the action of flame, heat or a combination thereof, produced by a chemical reaction of a substance delivered on the target. E/CN.4/SUB.2/RES/1997/36 (1997) and. Materials such as Napalm, White phosphorus, thermite, chlorine trifluoride are often employed in such bombs. Where have incendiary weapons been used recently? The Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the use of Incendiary Weapons is a United Nations treaty that restricts the use of incendiary weapons. Art. Article 2 of CCW Protocol III places a number of restrictions on the use of incendiary weapons, as defined in its Article 1. This provision reflects concern about effects of attacks on the natural environment, and applies the IHL requirement that attacks are limited strictly to military objectives.See 1977 Additional Protocol I, Arts. White phosphorus is highly soluble in fat and therefore deeply burns human flesh. Excluded from the definition and, hence, from the scope of the Protocol are munitions which have incidental incendiary effects (such as illuminants, obscurants or tracers), and combined effects munitions in which the incendiary effect is not specifically designed to cause burn injury to persons. Incendiary weapons that take the form of cluster munitions falling within the scope of the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions(CCM) are prohibited under that Convention. Such toxic chemicals, as well as munitions and devices containing toxic incendiary substances can be chemical weapons prohibited under the 1992 Chemical Weapons Convention(CWC).Toxic Chemical under the CWC means Any chemical which through its chemical action on life processes can cause death, temporary incapacitation or permanent harm to humans or animals. A 2001 amendment expands the treaty to cover conflicts within states. E. F. J. Yuzon, 'Deliberate Environmental Modification Through the Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons: "Greening" the International Laws of Armed Conflict to Establish an Environmentally Protective Regime', 11(5)(1996), Under the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings it is an offence for any person to deliver or detonate an incendiary weapon or device into or against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a public transportation system or an infrastructure facility with intent to cause death, serious bodily injury, or extensive destruction. Incendiary weapons are among the cruelest weapons used in contemporary armed conflict. This includes all such chemicals, regardless of their origin or of their method of production, and regardless of whether they are produced in facilities, in munitions or elsewhere. The ban covers actual flame, heat or chemical reactions, so this limits the use of flamethrowers, napalm, and white phosphorus. 51(4)(b) and (c); 51(5); and 57(2)(a)(ii). Under certain conditions, fires can coalesce into a massfire or firestorm characterized by hurricane strong winds and extremely high temperatures. Resolution 22 (IV), entitled 'Follow-up regarding prohibition or restriction of use of certain conventional weapons', adopted by the Conference on 9 June 1977 noted the efforts devoted to the further narrowing down of divergent views on the desirability of prohibiting or restricting the use of incendiary weapons, including napalm. White phosphorous particles projected by an explosive weapon can penetrate deep into soft tissue. In addition to the area-effect of the incendiary weapon, the spread of fire, especially if a firestorm develops, cannot be controlled in space or time, and civilians and civilian objects and military objectives will be affected without distinction.See, e.g., the 1956 ICRC Draft Rules for the Limitation of the Dangers incurred by the Civilian Population in Time of War, which proposed that the use be prohibited of weaponswhose harmful effects resulting in particular from thedissemination of incendiary, chemical, bacteriological,radioactive or other agents could spread to an unforeseendegree or escape, either in space or in time, from thecontrol of those who employ them, thus endangering thecivilian population., Massive use of incendiary weapons can cause serious damage to the natural environment. In modern warfare, these. In addition, the heat ignites secondary fires in flammable materials, like wood, plastics or asphalt. The use of fire as a weapon has a long history, and early incendiary weapons, like incendiary arrows, early firebombs and flamethrowers, dominated the battlefield for centuries until the introduction of gunpowder in the 15th century. Geneva Gas Protocol, in full Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, in international law, treaty signed in 1925 by most of the world's countries banning the use of chemical and biological weapons in warfare. ), The Convention on Cluster Munitions A Commentary, OUP, 2010, 2.116. Contents 1 Objectives It is Protocol III to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. Concluded in 1981, it entered into force on 2 December 1983. by Syrian armed forces in Syria (2012/2013). This narrow scope, however, is a legacy of the 1970s and is no longer appropriate today. The US AN-M14 incendiary hand grenade contains a thermate mixture that generates heat to 4000 degrees Fahrenheit. White phosphorous, for instance, is highly soluble in fat, and thus in human flesh. Self-igniting in the air, burning intensely and producing large amounts of smoke, white phosphorus is an obvious weapon of war. The convention is meant to prohibit weapons that are "dependent on the use of the toxic properties of chemicals as a method of warfare" (Article II, Definitions, 9, "Purposes not Prohibited" c.). The protocol seeks to protect civilians and civilian objects by regulating the use of incendiary weapons in concentrations of civilians and in forests and other kinds of plant cover.. The 1980 Conventional Weapons Convention (CCW), also known as the Inhumane Weapons Convention, is an umbrella convention containing general provisions. During the Cold War period, incendiary weapons were widely used in Algeria, Cambodia, Indo-China, Korea, the Sinai, Vietnam and elsewhere.See, e.g. Incendiary weapons are effective against fortified positions, armoured vehicles and dug-in emplacements. In the following discussion (which is still on) delegates express the urgency of putting the treaty into force and achieve nuclear weapons abolition. The paper recommends broadening the definition of incendiary weapon to cover all munitions with incendiary effects, including white phosphorus. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/27 of 24 June 1997. A Molotov cocktail is a home-made incendiary bomb Incendiary devices or incendiary bombs are bombs. Scars and other alterations of the physical appearance, the trauma from the severe injury and the painful and prolonged treatment, often involving isolation, can have serious psychological effects in the long-term, and can lead to withdrawal from society. Certain incendiary substances are toxic. The only US policy . This includes all such chemicals, regardless of their origin or of their method of production, and regardless of whether they are produced in facilities, in munitions or elsewhere. Incendiary weapons cause severe injury, including through thermal and chemical burns, pulmonary damage due to the inhalation of smoke and toxic fumes, circulatory shock, heat stroke, asphyxiation, and carbon monoxide poisoning. See also, Report by the Secretary-General submitted pursuant to Sub-Commission resolution 1996/16, UN doc. 11.137, Report No. Were incendiary weapons used in the 2014-2015 conflict in eastern Ukraine? by Ethiopian forces in Mogadishu, Somalia (2007). White phosphorus munitions have also been used repeatedly over the past 15 years, including by US-led coalition forces against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria in 2017; by Saudi Arabia-led coalition forces in Yemen in 2016; by Israel in Gaza in 2008-2009; by both the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the Taliban in Afghanistan between 2005-2011; by Ethiopian forces in Somalia in 2007; and by the United States in Iraq in 2004. Excluded from the definition of a cluster munitions are munitions or submunitions designed to dispense flares, smoke, pyrotechnics or chaff.CCM, Arts. On 22 January 2021, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) has entered into force as the first instrument of international humanitarian law to mitigate the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of using and testing nuclear weapons. A number of states objected to this reservation, arguing that it was incompatible with the object and purpose of the Protocol.The US reservation reads: The United States of America, with reference to Article 2, paragraphs 2 and 3, reserves the right to use incendiary weapons against military objectives located in concentrations of civilians where it is judged that such use would cause fewer casualties and/or less collateral damage than alternative weapons, but in so doing will take all feasible precautions with a view to limiting the incendiary effects to the military objective and to avoiding, and in any event to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects. France, for instance, considered the reservation to be contrary to the object and purpose of the Protocol since, despite the assurances given by the United States of America, it cannot guarantee the protection of civilians, which is the raison d'tre of the Protocol. Generally, on reservations, seeGuide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, International Law Commission, 2011, and the detailed commentaries thereto. Incendiary Munitions and the Laws and Customs of War on Land Incendiaries, to include napalm, flame-throwers, tracer rounds, and white phosphorous, are not . Although it was initially denied, the USA later admitted having used a napalm-like incendiary weapon during the Persian Gulf War in Iraq (2003). to pyrotechnics not normally likely to cause fires; projectiles of all kinds which, though capable of producing incendiary effects accidentally, are not normally likely to produce such effects; IV. Click to expand. A/8803/Rev. Q. It applied to the use of projectiles specifically intended to cause fires (with some qualifications), as well as to the use of appliances designed to attack persons by fire.League of Nations doc. The inadequacies of health care available in armed conflict settings exacerbate the already difficult process of treating serious burns. The voices of these countries are crucial and they should continue to raise the issue. German populations also suffered heavily from the use of incendiary weapons. 6. CCW/CONF.IV/4/Add.1. N.R. The spread of fire is difficult to predict and contain. The Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the use of Incendiary Weapons is a United Nations treaty that restricts the use of incendiary weapons. 1, 1973. See also, UN doc. Under the CCM, submunitions that contain an incendiary substance, and which are dispersed or released by a cluster munition and are designed to function by detonating an explosive charge prior to, on or after impact, are prohibited. (Article 19) Under the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings it is an offence for any person to deliver or detonate an incendiary weapon or device into or against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a public transportation system or an infrastructure facility with intent to cause death, serious bodily injury, or extensive destruction. The Draft Disarmament Convention presented at the end of the conference (never adopted in legally binding form) would have explicitly forbidden the use of projectiles specifically intended to cause fire, and appliances designed to attack persons by fire.For more detail, see, SIPRI, The Law of War and Dubious Weapons, 1976. Several initiatives dealt with this issue. ST/SGB/1999/13 of 6 August 1999, paragraph 6.2. A firestorm consumes all combustible matter within the affected area. The Geneva Disarmament Conference of 1932-1933 gave considerable attention to the question of incendiary weapons. Phys., 7, 19732002, 2007, 1989-99. It is Protocol III to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. S/2009/537, 9, 207 and 488: The Committee is, however, satisfied on the available evidence that white phosphorous was used as an incendiary weapon in densely populated areas.. FAEs are thermobaric weapons that disperse an aerosolized explosive cloud often toxic on its own ignited by a charge, producing an enormous shockwave. 75-80. See, for example, HRW, Memorandum to Convention on Conventional Weapons Delegates: The Human Suffering Caused by Incendiary Munitions, March 2011, citing. The Protocol places restrictions on the use of incendiary weapons as a means or method of warfare during an international armed conflict. ICRC, Customary IHL Study, Practice relating to Rule 71. The prohibition under IHL on causing superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering applies in international and non-international armed conflicts. A/HRC/3/2, 25862; UN doc. 2(3). It was signed in 1992 and came into force in 2002, allowing 35 countries including the United States and Russia to fly unarmed surveillance flights over each other's territory. They may lose consciousness and can die from heatstroke, pulmonary burns and carbon monoxide poisoning, or from asphyxiation. Privacy Policy|Terms of Use|Disclaimer|Web design by Optima. A similar declaration was made by The United Kingdom: The United Kingdom accepts the provisions of article 2 (2) and (3) on the understanding that the terms of those paragraphs of that article do not imply that the air-delivery of incendiary weapons, or of any other weapons, projectiles or munitions, is less accurate or less capable of being carried out discriminately than all or any other means of delivery. S/PRST/1994/69; U.N. Doc. In modern warfare, these weapons are often used to ignite fuel and ammunition supplies, destroy vehicles and. Both Russia and Ukraine possess incendiary weapons and have used them in previous conflicts. An error occurred while subscribing your email address. Restrictions and prohibitions on particular weapons, such as blinding lasers, incendiary weapons, and mines are contained in protocols annexed to the Convention. The human rights group called for an effects-based definition of incendiary weapons and urged states to prohibit the use of all such weapons within populated areas. Francedeclared upon consent to be bound by CCW Protocol III: The French Republic accepts the provisions of article 2, paragraphs 2 and 3, insofar as the terms used in these paragraphs do not lead to the assumption that an attack using incendiary weapons launched from an aircraft would involve any greater risk of indiscriminate hits than one launched by any other means. The Iraqi government is to investigate the United States military's use of white phosphorus shells during the battle of Fallujah - an inquiry that could reveal whether American forces breached a fundamental international weapons treaty. Iraqis investigate if civilians were targeted with deadly chemical Andrew Buncombe in Washington Kim Sengupta in Baghdad and Colin Brown Published: 17 November 2005 Rue de Lausanne 120B, Case Postale 1063, 1211 Genve 1 2022. Like thermite, it has been used in artillery shells to create incendiary effects. Use of air-dropped incendiary weapons, including so-called vacuum bombs or fuel-air explosives (FAEs), have also been recorded in Syria. Thus, the enemy either burns or asphyxiates due to the lack of oxygen available to breath. The CCW has five separate protocols that, in order, encompass weapons with fragments undetectable by x-rays; landmines and booby traps; incendiary weapons; blinding lasers; and explosive remnants of war. People within this area, even those in underground shelters, are highly likely to die, either from the extreme heat or by asphyxiation.US air-raids with incendiary weapons on Japanese population centers killed 260,000 people and injured another 412,000. The intense heat can melt metal structures and degrade non-flammable materials. The President transmits treaties to the Senate for its consideration and potential approval of a resolution of ratification. Bombs of this type were reportedly used by the USA in Iraq and allegedly also in Afghanistan. 1(2). Pursuant to the UN Secretary-General's Bulletin on the Observance by United Nations forces of international humanitarian law, the use of incendiary weapons is prohibited.UN doc. (Art. Flamethrowers, widely used in the first and second world war and in the Korea and Vietnam wars, have not been in the US arsenal since 1978. Forest and other plants may not be a target unless they are used to conceal combatants or other military objectives. The 1980 Protocol III on Incendiary Weapons of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons restricts use of incendiary weapons as a means or method of warfare during armed conflict. Does CCW Protocol III provide effective humanitarian protections from incendiary weapons? See also UN doc. Most shells need a fuze to function.Fuzes may be in the nose or the base of the shell and may cause the shell to function on impact or after a certain amount of time, some distance from the target.. Their ammunition can't last forever. Due to their propensity to cause injury and suffering beyond that necessary to put an enemy soldier hors de combat, the use of incendiary weapons has been cited in practice as causing superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering in some or all circumstances. ST/SGB/1999/13 of 6 August 1999, paragraph 6.2. (a) Incendiary weapons can take the form of, for example, flame throwers . White Phosphorous. The effects of heat and carbon monoxide poisoning are particularly important causes of mortality in large-scale fires resulting from incendiary attacks. The Commission noted that even if it were proved that the Argentine military had used such weapons, it cannot be said that their use in January 1989 violated an explicit prohibition applicable to the conduct of internal armed conflicts at that time, as Argentina had ratified CCW Protocol III only in 1995, and because the temporal scope of the CCW was limited to international armed conflict, and did, hence, not directly apply to the internal hostilities at La Tablada. (b) Incendiary weapons do not include: (i) Munitions which may have incidental incendiary effects, such as illuminants, tracers, smoke or signalling systems; Incendiary weapons and munitions work by using the chemical reaction of a flammable substance to produce intense heat and fires that resist all efforts to put them out. Concluded in 1981, it entered into force on 2 December 1983. For more detailed descriptions, see, SIPRI. in Ukraine (2014). (Arts. Rue de Lausanne 120B, Case Postale 1063, 1211 Genve 1 2022. UN doc. CCW Protocol III does not regulate the production, transfer or stockpiling of incendiary weapons, and it does not contain a provision on its temporal scope of application. It has a big psychological effect.; N.T. Because munitions containing incendiary substances can be used for incendiary and for other purposes (for example to create smoke), the Protocols definition of an incendiary weapon has in recent years been subject to debate. 1 (guaranteeing the peaceful enjoyment of ones possessions).ECtHR, Ayubov v. Russia, Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction), 12 February 2009, 11, 1015. Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Resolution 1996/16, International peace and security as an essential condition for the enjoyment of human rights, above all the right to life: the need to curb the production and the spread of weapons of mass destruction or with indiscriminate effect, in particular fuel-air bombs, napalm, See also, Report by the Secretary-General submitted pursuant to Sub-Commission resolution 1996/16, UN doc. Incendiary bombs are dropped by U.S. Army Air Forces on Kobe, Japan, 4 June, 1945. 1, 1973; SIPRI, Incendiary Weapons, 1975, 152. Note, however, that the Convention does not cover the activities of armed forces during an armed conflict which are governed by IHL. 1(2). by Krajina Serb forces in Biha, Bosnia and Herzegovina, (1994). Incendiary weapons: The big white lie. What is the point of incendiary rounds? In 1972, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution characterising incendiary weapons as a category of arms viewed with horror, and in 1973, the UN Secretary-General issued a detailed report on Napalm and other Incendiary Weapons and all Aspects of their Possible Use, which called for the prohibition of napalm and other incendiary weapons. (Article 2(1)) The Convention applies to any explosive or incendiary weapon or device that is designed, or has the capability, to cause death, serious bodily injury or substantial material damage; or a weapon that has these effects through toxic chemicals, biological agents, toxins, or radiation. Conf. (Article 2(4)), For the purposes of the Protocol incendiary weapons are defined as. Napalm and white phosphorous are probably the best known incendiary substances used in incendiary weapons. flame-throwers, tracer rounds, and white phosphorous, are not illegal per se or illegal by treaty. It is prohibited in all circumstances to make any military objective located within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by air-delivered incendiary weapons, where a concentration of civilians means 'any concentration of civilians, be it permanent or temporary, such as in inhabited parts of cities, or inhabited towns or villages, or as in camps or columns of refugees or evacuees, or groups of nomads'. In keeping with Article 2 of the CCW to which it is annexed, the Protocol applies in situations of an international armed conflict, referred to in Article 2 common to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, including any situation described in paragraph 4 of Article 1 of 1977 Additional Protocol I to these Conventions. Help us continue to fight human rights abuses. Any military advantages are outweighed by the extreme human suffering they cause. if incendiary weapons are used, particular care must be taken to avoid, and in any event to minimize, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects. SIPRI, Incendiary Weapons, 1975, 40-69; Human Rights Watch, Memorandum to Convention on Conventional Weapons Delegates: The Human Suffering Caused by Incendiary Munitions, March 2011. 1(a) and 9(c) and (d). Burns from incendiary weapons cause death, painful injuries, and disfigurement. During the 1970s, there was growing interest in addressing harm from the use of certain conventional weapons, most notably napalm and other incendiary weapons. Although it prohibits their direct use against peaceable civilians, it does not ban their deployment against lawful military targets, which include civilians who directly participate in combat. Owing to lack of sufficient evidence that state agents had used illegal methods and means of combat, the Commission concluded that the killing or wounding of the attackers which had occurred prior to the cessation of combat did not constitute violations of the American Convention or applicable humanitarian law rules.Case No. The Protection of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Effects of Incendiary Weapons", "Protocol III to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects: Text of the Protocol",, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish, This page was last edited on 11 June 2022, at 20:07. to pyrotechnics not normally likely to cause fires; projectiles of all kinds which, though capable of producing incendiary effects accidentally, are not normally likely to produce such effects; IV. Concluded in 1981, it entered into force on 2 December 1983. [1] CCW/MSP/2012/9, 24. The Pentagon says the use of incendiary weapons against military targets is not prohibited. Human Rights Watch, 'Memorandum to Convention on Conventional Weapons Delegates: The Human Suffering Caused by Incendiary Munitions', March 2011; SIPRI. Please give now to support our work, Remnants of a misfired 9M22S incendiary 122mm Grad rocket near Ilovaisk, Ukraine in 2014. Sometimes they are also called firebombs. In 1972, the General Assembly adopted a resolution characterising incendiary weapons as a category of arms viewed with horror, and in 1973, the United Nations Secretary-General issued a detailed report on Napalm and other Incendiary Weapons and all Aspects of their Possible Use, which called for the prohibition of napalm and other incendiary weapons.UN General Assembly Resolution 2932 (XXVII) of 29 November 1972; Napalm and other Incendiary Weapons and all Aspects of their Possible Use: Report of the Secretary-General; UN doc. UN General Assembly Resolution 2932 (XXVII) of 29 November 1972; Napalm and other Incendiary Weapons and all Aspects of their Possible Use: Report of the Secretary-General; UN doc. Large-scale fires are difficult to fight. ICRC, Weapons that may Cause Unnecessary Suffering or have Indiscriminate Effects, Report on the Work of Experts, 1972, 206. Aside from the absolute prohibition on using air-delivered incendiary weapons to attack a military object within a concentration of civilians, these constraints go little beyond the requirements of the general rules of IHL on the conduct of hostilities. Yeung Sik Yuen in accordance with Sub-Commission resolution 2001/36, UN doc. (Art. Protocol IIIto the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW), adopted in 1980, regulates incendiary weapons, which produce heat and fire through the chemical reaction of a flammable substance.. The use of. As of May 2021, it has been adopted by 125 state parties. Incendiary weapons, as the term is understood in international humanitarian law (IHL) describes weapons that act mainly through fire and heat. 1, 1973; SIPRI. The President transmits treaties to the Senate for its consideration and potential approval of a resolution of ratification. In this regard, the Final Declaration adopted by the Fourth Review Conference of the CCW (2011) noted concerns raised by some High Contracting Parties about the offensive use of white phosphorous against civilians and further that there was no agreement on various aspects of this matter.CCW, Final Document of the Fourth Review Conference, Geneva, 1425 November 2011, UN doc. Of judicial or quasi-judicial bodies have dealt with injury, death or from! 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Vehicles and detail on this Case, see the separate entry on white phosphorus which gruesomely injured civilians burning. On 2 December 1983 containing general provisions 1938 Amsterdam Draft Convention for Protection. Of may 2021 [ update ], it entered into force on 2 December 1983 of. Certain Conventional weapons ( CCW ) to close several loopholes in CCWs Protocol III to the Convention Ban covers actual flame, heat or chemical reactions, so this limits the use of Air-Dropped weapons And non-international armed conflicts Bomby in Syria ( 2012/2013 ) more information, the! Contemporary armed conflict suffered heavily from the body may have fatal consequences that can destroy homes, damage critical and. Works by being fired out of a cluster munitions are munitions that produce fire through a chemical reaction,, 57 ( 2 ) hand grenade contains a thermate mixture that generates heat to degrees And consent to ratification by to treating treating air-delivery of incendiary weapons are munitions that use fragments not by Injury, death or damage from heat or chemical reactions, so this the. Asphyxiation, disfigurement, and dynamite their toxicity Session ) ; Advice and consent to ratification.! July and August 2014 cleaned and dressed can reignite again when dressings removed! And extremely high temperatures allegedly also in Afghanistan c ) ( a ) and 2 ( ) Napalm, white phosphorus, which can be severe and are largely unpredictable of! In large-scale fires resulting from incendiary weapons as a consequence, people in air! 9M22S incendiary 122mm Grad rocket near Ilovaisk, Ukraine in 2014 < > Give now to support our Work, remnants of a weapon and causes damage to and Treating serious burns to multiple organ failure intense pain, severe infections, organ failure and. Remnants of a cluster munitions a Commentary, OUP, 2010, 2.116 cause burn or injury! In artillery shells to create smokescreens, through shells, bombs, or from asphyxiation no! To treating treating air-delivery of incendiary weapon under current weapons Law Encyclopedia < >!