Meanwhile, the effects of Risperdal injections are said to last at least two weeks. Similarly, the "subsequent interim period" referred to in Item 304(a)(2), which requires disclosure of the engagement of a new principal accountant, is the period from the end of the registrant's most recent fiscal year through the date on which the new principal accountant is engaged. [July 3, 2008], 216.04 Item 401(f) would require the disclosure by an issuer of an order temporarily restraining another corporation from pursuing a tender offer where a director of the issuer, who is the president of the other corporation, has been specifically named in the order. [Jan. 20, 2010]. See Securities Act Rule 411(e) and Exchange Act Rule 12b-23(e). 34-32723 (Aug. 6, 1993) at Section IV.B.2. Where there are multiple committees on the board with responsibility for different components of compensation (e.g., a stock option committee) and those committees review and discuss the Compensation Discussion and Analysis with management and, based on that review and discussion, recommend the inclusion of the Compensation Discussion and Analysis in the registrant's filings, each of these committees has a disclosure obligation under Item 407(e)(5). of Item 404(a) refers to Industry Guide 3, Statistical Disclosure by Bank Holding Companies, for determining if loans are nonaccrual, past due, restructured or potential problem loans. Find the latest U.S. news stories, photos, and videos on Question: How does a company determine if it may omit disclosure of performance target levels or other factors or criteria under Instruction 4 to Item 402(b)? May the incomplete exhibits already on file that do not reflect the pricing or typographical modifications noted above be incorporated by reference in any subsequent filing? [July 3, 2008]. A Form 8-K disclosing this termination is filed, as required by Item 5.02(b) of Form 8-K. For these instruments, the company may use the fair market value of its common stock at fiscal year end for the purposes of reporting the number of shares to be issued upon exercise of the stock appreciation rights pursuant to Item 201(d)(2)(i). The length of the performance period is not relevant to this analysis, so that a plan serving as an incentive for a period less than a year would be considered an incentive plan under Item 402(a)(6)(iii). If the filer chooses to submit an interactive data exhibit with an IPO on Form S-1, however, it must include the exhibit as soon as the registration statement contains a price or price range and subsequent amendments also must include the interactive data exhibit if the financial statements are changed. Answer: Because the assumed Company B options are part of the merger consideration, they do not reflect any 2010 executive compensation decisions by Company A. 9601) (otherwise known as the "Superfund" law), pursuant to a remedial agreement entered into in the normal course of negotiation with the EPA, generally considered "sanctions" within Instruction 5(C) to Item 103? Answer: In this circumstance, the company should include footnote disclosure of this fact and the footnote should include the weighted-average exercise price of the outstanding instruments excluding those that can be exercised for no consideration. Were currently experiencing unprecedented levels of applications which is causing a delay to our usual service. 13, 2007], 230.02 A is an officer and director of Y corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of registrant X. 13, 2007]. [Aug. 8, 2007], 227.03 A company has a director who also is an employee (but not an executive officer). X was CEO of parent for all of 2007, and was CEO of subsidiary for part of 2007. Alternatively, the registrant may plot a separate peer index line for each of its lines of business. In this regard, if a compensatory plan, contract or arrangement is available generally to all officers and directors but is not available to all employees of the company, the plan, contract or arrangement does not fall within this exemption. [July 3, 2008], 245.01 A Rule 415 offering provides that purchasers within the first 60 days will receive a security with a higher yield than that to be received by subsequent purchasers. The officers of the subsidiary previously were officers of the parent, and in some cases all of the work that they did for the parent related to the subsidiary. Instead, the shares should be reported in columns (g) and (h) because they are subject to service-based vesting. Under Items 402(a)(3)(i) and (ii), the principal executive officer and the principal financial officer are, per se, named executive officers, regardless of compensation level. The grant date fair value for stock and option awards subject to performance conditions must be reported based on the probable outcome of the performance conditions as of the grant date, even if the actual outcome of the performance conditions - and therefore, the number of restricted shares actually awarded for Year 1 - is known by the time of the filing of the proxy statement. Before using the information in this portal, please read this. People who express doubts about Obama's eligibility or reject details about his early life are often informally called "birthers", a term that parallels the nickname "truthers" for adherents of 9/11 conspiracy theories. [July 3, 2008]. . Question: Is a registrant required to include Item 305 market risk disclosure in its Form 10-Q? 1991), vacated & reh'g en banc granted, 942 F.2d 799 (D.C. Cir. How to apply for an administrative review under the EU Settlement Scheme. For instance, in 2014, Johnson & Johnson successfully had a $258 million Louisiana judgment and a $1.2 billion Arkansas judgment tossed out. Answer: Pursuant to Item 901(c)(2)(ii), a "roll-up transaction" does not include transactions in which the securities to be issued or exchanged are not required to be, and are not, registered under the Securities Act. [July 26, 2016]. Answer: No, because the executive declined the bonus before it was granted, and therefore, no bonus was granted. Answer: Yes, but only at such time when additional production data, such as from offset wells, exists demonstrating that there will be a change in the manner of decline from exponential to hyperbolic. Answer: Non-qualified deferred compensation payouts are not disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table, but are rather disclosed in the Aggregate Withdrawals/ Distributions column (column (e)) of the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Table. Securities Act Forms C&DI 123.01 addresses the situation in which a company requests effectiveness for a non-automatic shelf registration statement on Form S-3 during the period between the filing of the Form 10-K and the definitive proxy statement. Answer: Yes, the definition of "smaller reporting company" excludes a majority-owned subsidiary if its corporate parent does not also meet the requirements of a smaller reporting company. If the consultant also sells products to the company, then the revenues generated from such sales should be included in "aggregate fees for any additional services provided by the compensation consultant or its affiliates." A reporting company that recently changed its fiscal year end from December 31st to June 30th is preparing its transition report for the 6-month period ended June 30th, having filed its Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended 6 months earlier on December 31st. [Feb. 16, 2010]. Question: In connection with preparing Item 401 disclosure relating to director qualifications, certain board members or nominees have provided for inclusion in the company's disclosure certain self-identified specific diversity characteristics, such as their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or cultural background. Y does business in an amount in excess of $120,000 with B, A's brother. [Mar. Question: Is director compensation disclosure required under Item 402(k) of Regulation S-K for a person who served as a director during the last completed fiscal year but will not stand for re-election the next year? [Aug. 8, 2007]. A footnote may be added to disclose the Bankruptcy Court approval. including any pledge . Capital One Venture X Vs. Chase Sapphire Reserve, Private Wealth Manager Vs. Financial Advisor, Risperdal Lawsuits: Legal History and Status. For this purpose, what standard applies for determining whether such an amount is reportable because it is accrued? 13, 2007] [same as C&DI 206.03], 246.12 A remuneration plan applicable to 300 key executives in a company with 18,000 employees would not be considered a plan available to employees generally. [July 3, 2008]. The primary claim in Risperdal lawsuits is that male plaintiffs received no warning that they could grow breasts through ongoing usage of the drug. Question: In detail tagging financial statement footnotes and schedules in its interactive data file, a filer must also, among other things, tag separately "[e]ach amount (i.e., monetary value, percentage, and number)" within each footnote and financial statement schedule under Rules 405(d)(4)(i) and 405(e)(2)(i), respectively, of Regulation S-T. Are there any monetary values, percentages or numbers in footnotes and financial statement schedules that do not need to be tagged separately? Although an hourly or annual pay rate may be a component used to determine an employee's overall compensation, the use of the pay rate alone generally is not an appropriate CACM to identify the median employee. For Company B executives who are now Company A executives: Should the Company B options that were granted in 2010 be included in total compensation for purposes of determining if an executive is a named executive officer of Company A for 2010 and reported in the Summary Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table for 2010? Using an hourly rate without taking into account the number of hours actually worked would be similar to making a full-time equivalent adjustment for part-time employees, which is not permitted. A statement merely identifying the location in a prior filing where the omitted discussion can be found does not incorporate such disclosure into the filing unless the registrant expressly states that the information is incorporated by reference. Accordingly, the first primary Securities Act offering by that registrant would necessitate disclosure under Item 701(f). [July 3, 2008]. For example, it would not be sufficient to disclose simply that a person should serve as a director because he or she is an audit committee financial expert. [Jan. 14, 2011]. If an auction clearing price will be used as the primary factor in establishing the final offering price, a price range in excess of $4, for offerings up to $20 per share, or in excess of 20% of the high end of the range, for offerings over $20 per share, will not be considered bona fide. Any contingent benefits arising upon death, early retirement or other termination of employment events should be disclosed in the post-employment narrative disclosure required under Item 402(j) of Regulation S-K. [Jan. 24, 2007]. [Aug. 8, 2007], 227.01 Consulting arrangements between the registrant and a director are disclosable as director compensation under Item 402(k)(2)(vii), even where such arrangements cover services provided by the director to the issuer other than as director (e.g., as an economist). Answer: No. Answer: For purposes of calculating the actuarial present value for the Pension Benefits Table, the registrant should assume that each named executive officer will live to and retire at the plan's normal retirement age (or the earlier retirement age if the named executive officer may retire with unreduced benefits) and ignore for the purposes of the calculations what actuaries refer to as pre-retirement decrements. The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts heard Jacksons case. Accordingly, the filer would be required to submit interactive data with its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2010 and Forms 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, June 30 and September 30, 2011 and to detail tag the financial statement footnotes and schedules in the interactive data it submits with all of these forms, even though the filer is in its first year of interactive data reporting. It is also important to remember that even if a judge rules in your favor, that outcome could be reversed later by a higher court. Answer: No. [July 3, 2008] [same as C&DI 230.11]. [Feb. 16, 2010]. [Mar. [Aug. 8, 2007], 217.03 A subsidiary of a public company is going public. [Jan. 24, 2007], 219.02 Item 402(c)(2)(ix)(G) requires disclosure in the "All Other Compensation" column of the dollar value of any dividends or other earnings paid on stock or option awards, when those amounts were not factored into the grant date fair value required to be reported for the stock or option award. . Answer: Disclosure is required if the transaction: (a) was continuing (such as through the ongoing receipt of payments) after the date the person became a 5 percent shareholder; or (b) resulted in the person becoming a 5 percent shareholder. [Jan. 14, 2011]. You must use a separate form for each person applying for a review, whether theyre a child or an adult. Answer: Yes. 2006 was the second year of the 3-year performance period. [Aug. 8, 2007]. Answer: Yes. [Mar. The disclosure is limited to those underwriters who are in privity of contract with the issuer with respect to the offering. 2022 Forbes Media LLC. Question: When should the legend specified in Item 501(b)(10) be included on a prospectus? Is disclosure required of such a transaction that occurred since the beginning of the registrant's last fiscal year, but prior to the date the person became a 5 percent shareholder? [July 3, 2008]. In some circumstances, this financial information may have been prepared in accordance with guidance published by a government, governmental authority or self-regulatory organization that is applicable to the registrant, although the information is not required disclosure by the government, governmental authority or self-regulatory organization. Question: If a Form 8-K contains audited annual financial statements that are a revised version of financial statements previously filed with the Commission and have been revised to reflect the effects of certain subsequent events, such as discontinued operations, a change in reportable segments or a change in accounting principle, then under Item 601(b)(101)(i) of Regulation S-K, the filer must submit an interactive data file with the Form 8-K for those revised audited annual financial statements. Answer: No. By mid-March, more than three million people had fled to neighbouring cou Access to medical services for Ukrainian Refugees, Ukraine Situation: Belarus - Protection Profiling and Monitoring Factsheet - August 2022, MSNA - Multi-Sector Needs Assessment UNHCR&REACH questionnaire, UKRAINE REGIONAL REFUGEE RESPONSE PLAN AND FLASH APPEAL SUMMARY - APRIL 2022, UKRAINE SITUATION: SUPPLEMENTARY APPEAL 2022, Guidance and studies on socio-economic inclusion by thematic area, THE EU TEMPORARY PROTECTION DIRECTIVE IN PRACTICE 2022, Key considerations for on-site assessment of refugee transit points and accommodation centres in the EU/EEA in the context of the refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine, A call for action to protect all children and their families displaced by the war, Ukraine Emergency in Neighboring countries BLUE DOTS- Children and Family Support Hubs - How Blue Dots work in relation to UNICEF and UNHCR cooperation, Ukraine Situation: Czech Republic - Refugee assistance centers - KACPU, Slovakia: World Humanitarian Day 2022 (Slovakian), Notatki ze spotkania Zespow Ratownictwa Medycznego oraz Partnerw w Sektorze Zdrowia, rwnie w jzyku polskim, RRP Ukraine Situation: 4-Pager Summary - Czech Republic, RRP Ukraine Situation: 4-Pager Summary - Bulgaria, UN Agencies in Romania celebrate 77 years of UN Charter and pledge continuing their support for Ukrainian refugees, Ukraine Situation: Recalibration - Regional Refugee Response Plan - March-December 2022, Ukraine Situation: Regional Refugee Response Plan - March-December 2022, Ukraine Situation: Regional Refugee Response Plan | Summary and Inter-Agency Funding Requirements March-August 2022. Unless this information is required to be disclosed by a system of regulation that is applicable to the registrant, it is considered to be a "non-GAAP financial measure" under Regulation G and Item 10 of Regulation S-K. Registrants that disclose such information must provide the disclosures required by Regulation G or Item 10 of Regulation S-K, if applicable, including the quantitative reconciliation from the non-GAAP financial measure to the most comparable measure calculated in accordance with GAAP. 2006. Answer: The same disclosure provisions governing required disclosure about option grants also govern disclosure about restricted stock and other non-option equity awards. A plan that permits awards to be settled only in cash need not be disclosed under Item 201(d), because the purpose of Item 201(d) is to show dilution and cash-only plans are not dilutive. Accordingly, the grant of the award should be included in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table, which will reflect the compensation committee's decision to grant the award in 2010. [Mar. Question: Instruction 5 to Item 402(b) provides that "[d]isclosure of target levels that are non-GAAP financial measures will not be subject to Regulation G and Item 10(e) of Regulation S-K; however, disclosure must be provided as to how the number is calculated from the registrant's audited financial statements." Merely earmarking funds for future use should not be reported. This compensation comes from two main sources. Question: Item 404(a) requires, in pertinent part, disclosure of any transaction since the beginning of the registrant's last fiscal year between the registrant and any 5 percent shareholder where the amount involved exceeds $120,000 and the 5 percent shareholder has a direct or indirect material interest in the transaction. Answer: No. Consequently, if the former principal accountant advised the registrant that there was a material weakness, then the registrant has a reportable event under Item 304(a)(1)(v)(A). In light of the beneficial ownership provisions of Section 13(d), the beneficial ownership of shares to be held by the general and limited partners whose holdings will be in excess of 5 percent (or if such persons are directors or named executive officers) following such distribution should be included in the beneficial ownership table contained in the company's prospectus. Answer: Item 402(u) does not define or even address furloughed employees. Question: Does the Instruction to Item 402(k)(2)(iii) and (iv) require footnote disclosure, for each director, of the grant date fair value of each equity award outstanding or only of the awards granted during the company's last completed fiscal year? Shares subject to the outstanding rights should not be reported in column (a) as subject to outstanding options. 13, 2007], 206.09 A registrant that spins off a portion of its business should treat that transaction as a special dividend, make the appropriate adjustments to its shareholder return data, and disclose the occurrence of the transaction and resultant adjustments in its performance graph. Since the amount of that person's commission is dependent upon the value of the lease, that person is considered to have an interest in the lease transaction, and the transaction, together with the commission, should be reported if the interest is determined to be a direct or indirect material interest. In the context of the company's industry and competitive environment, the company must analyze whether a competitor or contractual counterparty could extract from the targets information regarding the company's business or business strategy that the competitor or counterparty could use to the company's detriment. Question: May a company provide the assumption information required by Instruction 1 to Item 402(c)(2)(v) and (vi) for equity awards granted in the company's most recent fiscal year by reference to the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table if the company chooses to report that assumption information in that table? What items, other than interest, are "earnings" for this purpose? 13, 2007]. [July 3, 2008]. Is a filer permitted to voluntarily submit an interactive data file with a Form 8-K or 6-K for other financial statements that may be included in the Form 8-K or 6-K, but for which an interactive data file is not required to be submitted? This statement need not cover financial statements for periods prior to the last completed fiscal year. Answer: If the registration statement is on Form S-1, then it must include Item 402 disclosure for 2009 before it can be declared effective. Compensation paid by the subsidiary to executives of the parent company must be included in the parent's executive compensation table if such payments are paid directly by the subsidiary. Answer: To calculate the required pay ratio, a registrant must first select a date, which must be within three months of the end of its fiscal year, to determine the population of its employees from which to identify the median. 13, 2007], 206.14 A company is preparing its first proxy statement following its emergence from bankruptcy. Question: If an equity incentive plan award is denominated in dollars, but payable in stock, how is it disclosed in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table since the headings for equity-based awards (columns (f), (g) and (h)) only refer to numbers and not dollars? [Aug. 8, 2007], 227.04 A current director previously was an employee of the company and receives a pension that was earned for services rendered as a company employee. Incentive awards are paid in the form of restricted shares, which are issued early in Year 2 after the compensation committee has certified the company's Year 1 performance results. [Feb. 12, 2007]. In addition, comparison of the acquisition-specific agreements with the generally applicable post-termination arrangements may be material. [Mar. Ukraine Situation: Moldova - Refugee Coordination Forum - UNDP Summary of Local Public Authorities and Refugees Needs and Mobility Assessmen Ukraine Situation - Moldova: Key Figures Factsheet as of 28 June 2022. Question: Is the condition that loans be made on substantially the same terms as for "comparable loans with persons not related to the lender" in Instruction 4.c.ii. The awards' performance criteria are communicated to the executives at that time and are based on the company's financial performance for the year. The registrant plans to award the contract to Z, even though this supplier did not submit the lowest bid in what purportedly was a competitive bidding contest. [June 4, 2010]. Question: Should shares that may be issued under performance share awards if specified targets are met and shares that are credited as phantom shares under a deferred compensation plan be reported in column (a) of the Equity Compensation Plan Information table as securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options, warrants and rights?
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