Interviews, reviews, and much more. Memories are fallible. For the first disciples, they quite literally were charged to bear witness to the risen Christ, whom they had seen with their eyes (see 1 John 1:13). . 3:23), and the wages of sin is death (Rom. . 24:6). They probably thought that Gentiles should become Jewish proselytes first, but they knew the Holy Spirit had come to the Gentiles when they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God (Acts 10:46). ; they divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots (Ps. Jesus exodus beyond the cross to the resurrection (see Luke 9:31) allows us to follow himas a prophet like Mosesto the Promised Land of eternal life. THE HUMILIATION OF CHRIST. . 15:20). . Speakers receive confirmation their point is In Acts 15, the church convenes a major assembly, known as the Jerusalem Council, to discuss conditions for Gentile membership in the church and what is necessary for salvation. Sin is anything (whether thoughts, actions, or attitudes) that does not express or conform to the holy character of God as shown forth in his moral law. In later Judaism, Pentecost was associated with the day when the law was given at Mount Sinai, so it is significant that God chose to send the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. See how your students benefit. [clarification needed] In most cases, the listener does not understand the non-verbal cues the speaker uses. Isaiah spoke of the Messiah as one who was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities (Isa. The testings of Jesus resemble those of Israel during the wandering in the desert and later in Canaan, and the victory of Jesus, the true Israel and the true Son, contrasts with the failure of the ancient and disobedient son, the old Israel. . GOSPEL PRESENTATION. This phrase is most significant, not as a declaration of incarnate humanness, but in relation to the figure in Daniel 7:1314 who receives supreme authority and an everlasting kingdom from God (compare Matt. Acts 10:47 quotes the reaction of the Jewish believers: They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have. The reference to Acts 2 is obvious. Take a moment now to ask for the Lords blessing and help as you continue in this study of Acts. If so, how? Note that the provided information is a good foundation. Gods loving commitment to Israel across time and space provides a thickness to the good news in Acts, as people are not being urged to join a new fad but are offered the undeserved gift of being grafted into Gods centuries-long redemptive program by the blood of Christ (Rom. Peters satanic purpose is emphasized by Matthews addition to the Marcan source of the words You are an obstacle to me. The tongues of Acts 19:7 serve as the witness to the Ephesian believers themselves of the gift of the Spirit that transfers them as a group from the old era to the new one in which they should be living. 10:9; Mark 16:16; 1 Cor. In Acts 11:118, the power of the gospel is seen in both the inclusion of the Gentiles into the people of God and in the churchs acceptance of them. Read through the complete passage for this study, Acts 15:135. 11:2830). and with their hands they will support you, lest you dash your foot against a stone.d. 16:912). (For further background, see the ESV Study Bible, pages 20822086, available online at Gods mercy is poured out deep and wide. A number of scholars date Acts as early as AD 62, a guess based primarily on the abrupt conclusion of the book. What are the responses to Pauls preaching? In chapters 1-4, Moses reviews some of the details of the past history of Israel such as the Exodus and the wandering in the wilderness. In Acts 1:8, Jesus promises a geographic expansion through the power of the Holy Spirit. 2:1011). Acts has many characters, but ultimately Acts is a story about a single main character: it is the account of the continuing work of God through Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. According to Peter, the last days have begun. He still respects the office of the high priest, even when it is held by a man opposing him and the gospel. Peter then refers to the manner in which the Gentiles received the Spirit. Because of their background, Jewish Christians would have struggled to share a meal with Gentiles who flaunted their traditional dietary customs. Those who come to Jesus will find that his yoke is lighter, not because he demands less, but because Jesus bears the load for us. 10:14; 26:14). 15:3). Chapters 29-30 there is a move to commit themselves, as a nation, and to stand apart unto God. 2b He fasted for forty days and forty nights,* and afterwards he was hungry. Take a few moments now to ask the Lord to bless you, change you, and help you understand and apply the unique light Acts throws on the gospel to your life. Repeatedly in Acts, we see that Gods grace plays the crucial role in the advance of the gospel, as even repentance and faith are gifts from God. What is your understanding of how Acts relates to the storyline of the New Testament and of the whole Bible? 5:16); yet if the motivation is to remove barriers to people hearing about the grace of God, Paul will freely and gladly give up any number of cultural practices or preferences (1 Cor. Non-verbal cues such as tone, inflection, gestures, and facial expression provide the listener further insight into what the speaker is trying to convey. The Holy Spirit of God, in his presence and fullness, is given credit for the resolution of the conflict between the Hebrews and the Hellenists in Acts 6. . [20], "Shift response is the general tendency of a speaker in a conversation to affix attention to their position. Sadducees: Matthews Marcan source speaks rather of the leaven of Herod (Mk 8:15). CHAPTER 4. [14], There are a multitude of factors that may impede upon someone's ability to listen with purpose and intention; these factors are referred to as listening blocks. He expresses confidence not in human ability but in the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified (Acts 20:32). Most comprehensive and practical publication of leadership behaviors, theories, and approaches. 10:1819; 15:711). Jesus is a better and truer Moses, like him in many ways but excelling him in others. . Is God pleased with me now? 2:121; compare Ex. Take a moment now to ask for the Lords blessing and help as you continue in this study of Acts. 3:21). The gospel will go to Rome and fulfill the promise of Acts 1:8 that Jesus disciples would be his witnesses to the end of the earth. God is the true actor behind the scenes. Someday Jesus will return in great glory and there will be a definitive, comprehensive acknowledgment that he is Lord over all. 49:6). Some of the most overt attempts to squelch the movementlike the persecution of the church in Jerusalemlead to a further expansion of the gospel (see Acts 8:14). Jesus, as Gods true Anointed One, was despised and executed because the people rejected his office (Luke 19:14; 20:1418). Context and motivation are critical to Paul. Pentecost is, in a sense, a magnificent reversal of Babel. SALVATION HISTORY. In Roman society, such a refusal threatened social stability. God offers defeat of the powers of darkness to those of us still under their control, not merely instructing us with self-help but washing away our sins and calling us to trust in Jesus (Col. 1:1214; 2:15; 1 John 3:8). The persecutor of the church would soon become its most famous advocate, joining Stephen in experiencing the abundant grace of God and responding with grace to all around him. The central tenet of Pauls faith, and one that continually causes trouble throughout Acts, is the doctrine of Christs resurrection (Acts 26:68). Who do people say that the Son of Man is? Do I not fill heaven and earth? One cannot run or hide from the presence of God. The account of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:111) is one of the most disturbing narratives in the New Testament. It was this very group that up to this point had been the most vehemently opposed to the gospel. Observe non-verbal content. Lobby or Lobbying. This book presents leadership theories and approaches in a systematic, clear, practical and up-to-date fashion. These resources include: The open-access Student Study Site makes it easy for students to maximize their study time, anywhere, anytime. For flesh and blood* has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. When the celebration of Pentecost comes, Acts 2:1,5 places 120 of the disciples (Acts 1:15) together in Jerusalem. The same thought and wording is used by David to his son Solomon in 1 Chronicles 28:29. . 3:7). We see here all three persons of the TrinityFather, Son, and Spiritwho are equal in nature but distinct in role and relationship. Why do you think that is? The church does many things, but Acts is not centered upon what the church does. But because of this, we may miss some of the meaning in our reading of Scripture. In the face of opposition, God steps in with faithful love to strengthen Pauls resolve. In Stephens speech, he takes the time to walk eloquently through salvation history. In Acts 13:34, Saul and Barnabas are sent out by the Holy Spirit. The gospel is Gods good news that will go out, regardless of the obstacles and oppositions. After more than twenty years, Questia is discontinuing operations as of Monday, December 21, 2020. 9and he said to him, All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.* In Acts 11:118, Peter recounts to the apostles and the church in Jerusalem the news of Corneliuss conversion and the Gentiles reception of the Holy Spirit. Gods grace is overflowing and abundant (Rom. God had chosen Israel to be a people set apart, but they were meant to be a blessing to the nations (Gen. 12:3; 22:1618; Isa. Then review the following questions concerning this section of Acts and write your own notes on them. Why? Has your theology been shaped or changed as you have studied Acts? Newsletter Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee detailed their Six Emotional Leadership Styles theory in their 2002 book, "Primal Leadership." The lie is saying that Christians disobeyed Caesar. * [8:1822] This passage between the first and second series of miracles about following Jesus is taken from Q (see Lk 9:5762). We know from historical sources that Christians, like Jews, were always very civil and law-abiding. Christs incarnation, ministry, death, and resurrection are the true fulfillment of the Old Testament promises of God. Paul seems to include Barnabas as well in his analysis of apostleship in 1 Corinthians 9:16 (see also 2 Cor. Their faith in Christ, later in Acts, is a reflection of the power of the gospel and the grace of God to those who opposed Jesus. 2:121; compare Ex. No one is so far removed that God cannot redeem them. For assistance with your order: Please email us at or connect with your SAGE representative. Pentecost illustrates the fact that God is the initiator of our salvation; he comes to us independent of our control. . Read Romans 11:1124. The Jews, entrenched in their strict version of monotheism, reject the claim of Jesus lordship as blasphemy. Jesus exodus beyond the cross to the resurrection (see Luke 9:31) allows us to follow himas a prophet like Mosesto the Promised Land of eternal life. His providential dominion is over all things (Prov. 53:3), would be the one stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God (Isa. 3:17 and Titus 1:59). . Active listening was introduced by Carl Rogers and Richard Farson. 1:9). The ceremonial, spiritual, or moral state of a person or object, affected by a variety of factors. Bottom-up listening for comprehension will involve an attentiveness to emphasized words such as longer or louder words. 6:23). This song describes the History that the Israelites had experienced. Luke and Acts are narratives about Gods plan of salvation. 11:3) or by using his prophets to literally raise the dead (1 Kings 17:1922; 2 Kings 4:3435). Peters Confession About Jesus. This is not a new concept: God has always desired that his people would be witnesses to his greatness. In Acts 15:9, Peters reference to God having cleansed the Gentiles hearts by faith may allude to the content of his vision prior to visiting Cornelius: What God has made clean, do not call common (Acts 10:15; 11:9). 10:1819; 15:711). But in Gods providence, this convoluted legal squabble becomes the means for the gospel to reach Rome. Read through the complete passage for this study, Acts 15:135. 42:6; 49:6). What connection is God making for Peter between the unclean animals in the vision and Cornelius and his household? Peters point in Acts 15:11 is that all are saved only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Many Christians today understand salvation in the Bible in only an eternal sense. ; they divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots (Ps. [1] This form of listening conveys a mutual understanding between speaker and listener. The stage is then set for Pauls ministry, which will go to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). PURE IN CHRIST. Pentecost illustrates the fact that God is the initiator of our salvation; he comes to us independent of our control. 16:1617). On the third day: so also Lk 9:22, against the Marcan after three days (Mk 8:31). 15He said to them, But who do you say that I am? Highly praised by students. 2:10). The church does many things, but Acts is not centered upon what the church does. * [4:111] Jesus, proclaimed Son of God at his baptism, is subjected to a triple temptation. 21:1; Dan. A philosophy is like a subtle but powerful compass or behavioural code. What are the core elements of the gospel found in Acts 13:28, 30, 31, 34, 38? In the opening chapter, Jesus promises his disciples the Holy Spirit in power (Acts 1:5), commissions them to take the gospel to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8), ascends into heaven (Acts 1:9), and is promised to return again (Acts 1:11). : although the question differs from the Marcan parallel (Mk 8:27: Whothat I am?), the meaning is the same, for Jesus here refers to himself as the Son of Man (cf. 4:810; 1 Tim. 2:2). In the second chapter of Acts, about 120 Jewish believers are filled with the Holy Spirit. After Paul and Barnabas complete their first missionary journey, the gospel has begun to take greater root among the Gentiles, but a religious faction arises to teach that Gentile Christians must be circumcised and must follow the law of Moses to be saved. Adopted at more than 1,600 institutions in 89 countries and translated into 15 different languages! The gospels expansion is the culmination of what God has been doing since the beginning. The Matthean prediction is equally about the sufferings of the Son of Man. Take a moment also to look back through this unit of study, to reflect on some key things that the Lord may be teaching youand to take note of things to review again in the future. The Bible makes this point again and againthat there is nothing that we can do to earn Gods favor. Considering Acts 1:8, how has Jesus already begun to fulfill his promise? 10:9; 1 Cor. He then urges that they obey the Laws of God. In Acts 26:1419, Paul includes additional details about his conversion. Luke and Acts are narratives about Gods plan of salvation. Despite the popular notion that listening is a passive approach, clinical and research evidence clearly shows that sensitive listening is a most effective agent for individual personality change and group development. * 23:4). Key figures in the outreach are the Hellenists Stephen and Philip, the apostle Peter, and eventually Paul and Barnabas. 27:35, 46). as I outline in my new book Alive at Work. Every time the gospel meets with opposition in Acts, God finds a way to advance the message. Speaking at Solomons Portico (Acts 3:1226), Peter reminds his Jewish listeners of Gods promise to Abraham that, In your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed (Acts 3:25). The First Prediction of the Passion. The news spreads beyond the town of Lydda to the whole coastal plain of Sharon, and all the residents turned to the Lord (Acts 9:35). Someone superior in authority or status to another, similar to master. It is a common translation for several different Hebrew titles for God in the OT, and in the NT it refers to Jesus. In the Bible, graceless religion is presented as an intolerable burden that only brings discouragement and despair. When Festus attempts to transfer Paul out of his jurisdiction, Paul seizes the opportunity: taking advantage of his right as a Roman citizen, Paul appeals directly to the emperor, guaranteeing a journey to Rome. Like other celebrations in the Old Testament, the Feast of Weeks was associated with the renewal of the covenant made with Noah and then with Moses. Satan will attack us with feelings of guilt and shame. Our sin was great, but he chose to die for us because his love for us was greater. 2022 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Explore more inspirational selections here. . Through Peters vision and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Corneliuss family in the previous section of Acts, God powerfully demonstrated that the gospel is going to the Gentiles. Luke consistently grounds salvation in the ancient purpose of God, which comes to fruition at Gods own initiative. Even the opportunity to repent is Gods gift. People who have been listened to in this new and special way become more emotionally mature, more open to their experiences, less defensive, more democratic, and less authoritarian."[3]. How does Stephens speech up to this point condemn the leaders? Summary. Used by permission of Crossway Books, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. In Acts 4:11, Peter points to Jesus fulfilling one of the Psalms: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone (Ps. The key personalities are Moses and Joshua. This witness would begin in Jerusalem, but would spiral outward in concentric circles to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8; compare Isa. In Oren Hararis book, The Leadership Secret of Colin Powell, he notes Powell is very deliberate and methodical as he sets out to spark change in his organization.Even as he lays out his new agenda and starts the change ball rolling, he spends an enormous amount of time listening, learning, and involving people in the change process (Harari, 2003, p. 27). REDEMPTION. The law serves only to heighten our understanding of our own sin, not to lessen it (Rom. Microsoft is quietly building a mobile Xbox store that will rely on Activision and King games. 2 b He fasted for forty days and forty nights, * and afterwards he was hungry. FOR ALL WHO ARE FAR OFF. In the second chapter of Acts, about 120 Jewish believers are filled with the Holy Spirit. Robert F. Scuka defends active listening by arguing that: a careful reading of the Hahlweg et al. Order using bundle ISBN: 978-1-5443-2644-3. Acts is the second part of a two-volume work, with the Gospel of Luke being the first volume. [36] These degrees include repeating to indicate attentiveness, paraphrasing to signify understanding, and reflecting to acknowledge perspective and application. In the midst of intense persecution, here in Acts 8:425 we see how God cares for the suffering. Like Moses, Jesus delivers his people from slavery; but whereas Moses deliverance only saved the Israelites from physical peril, Jesus delivers us from the slavery of sin and death (Gal. 12:3; Eph. We know from historical sources that Christians, like Jews, were always very civil and law-abiding. Jesus contrasts his yoke with the yoke of the Pharisees, who heap burdens but do not lift a finger to help. * 1 a Jesus again in reply spoke to them in parables, saying, 2 The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast * for his son. 4:15; 8:9; 9:8, 14). 1 * a Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. This account underscores a key theme: God can be trusted to fulfill his promises. FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT IN ACTS. This account underscores a key theme: God can be trusted to fulfill his promises. He urges them to respond by repenting, so that they can receive refreshing . It is Gods presence (I am with you; Acts 18:10) that not only energizes believers but protects them from fear, anxiety, and doubt. He alone is the giver of all good gifts and the source of all blessing (James 1:17). Gods heart has always been with the afflicted. When Peter refers to the law as a yoke that no one is able to carry (Acts 15:10), he is echoing the words of Jesus (Matt. Doctrines that are reinforced and clarified in Acts include law and grace, justification by faith, divine sovereignty, the deity of Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit. 118:22; compare Acts 2:2528, 3435). [11], There are three basic steps in the following order:[12]. But Acts makes clear that no one is beyond the scope of Gods saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for Gods redeeming grace. The Jerusalem Council aims to avoid such potentially divisive offense by asking the Gentiles to accommodate their brothers and sisters. . * [16:14] John the Baptist: see Mt 14:2. In the conversion of Saul (Acts 9:119), we receive a glimpse of the radical grace that God will show to and through Saul of Tarsus: God does not leave behind even one who supervises the murder of innocent Christians. We rejoice with you as you finish studying the book of Acts! As the gospel spreads throughout Asia Minor and the Roman world, God is at work through the ministry of Paul to bring all kinds of people to faith in Christ: from pagans who have no knowledge of redemptive history to people who, like Apollos, knew of the baptism of John but not of Jesus. One answer is that God has given human authority and structure to the church to lead it in worship. Please make sure all fields are filled out. The grace of the gospel frequently leads to the charge of antinomianism, or lawlessness: that if grace is free, people will feel free to sin all they want. The Demand for a Sign. This latter half of the first chapter of Acts describes how this was true even for the first disciples of Jesus.
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