"Dan Brown would never get published now, because his 1st 3 books sold nothing. (12/29/14) This is an engineering joke (10/15/13) Even spines can dream (11/05/14) The Great Pyramid in Egypt used to be so shiny, it glowed (04/07/13) Sometimes, the electric bass guitar can be a vehicle for complexity and transport This is a magic square from the Panchangam, Sringeri Sharada Peetham. (02/24/14) My Mathematical, Angelic Triangle of the Gods (12/10/13) Ever wonder why some YouTubes, like this, "go viral," getting 7 million visits? speed: 150 km/hour (93 mph) (12/16/15) Ada Lovelace poster (09/24/12) Learn about psychedelic fractal mathematics, and dream Eye organ of fruit fly larvae, by Michael John Bridge An effort to catalogue the areas and applications of mathematics was undertaken in Klein's encyclopedia. Would you patronize an establishment that posted this amusing sign? (09/29/15) Mathematics from Indian subcontinent contributed to much of modern thinking. (10/12/12) How many triangles are in this blue image? Pure mathematics to hold back the hyper-dimensional waters. Posted August 21, 2021 by Gowri Shankar ‐ 10 min read The definition of univariate time series is, a time series that consists of single scalar observations recorded sequentially over equal periodic intervals. (09/22/13) Can there be such a thing as "negative zero"? Rare photos within Space Shuttle Endeavour (05/28/13) Empathy. (10/21/15) Tonight, I'm on a popular radio show to talk about my latest book (07/30/13) Clever visualization of Fourier series using wheels on wheels (09/04/12) Beautiful video by Jason Silva on the power of Awe (10/08/12) It would be interesting to explore this landscape (photo) (06/10/16) Levitating street performers can be amazingly mystifying, until explained (03/12/14) Model for a "Creeping Baby Doll," which was patented in 1871 (06/29/12) For some reason, this semi-erotic cover featuring a naked Tarzan really makes me laugh (09/30/13) Ancient Greek gods: the new believers, (09/29/13) Flamingos become sentient, and form 1 composite flamingo, (09/28/13) Revenge of the disembodied snake heads, (09/27/13) Alien timeline since 1947. (03/23/14) A note on chaos and Halley's method (pdf) (04/13/12) New at Pinterest. (09/10/15) Vi Hart recreational MATH VIDEOS all in one place Iterative methods of optimization and their convergence properties: transversal filters; LMS (gradient) algorithms. (11/29/14) Rubik's Cube Fruit Salad Math Book and Physics Book ranked #1 and #2 today at Scientific American (look before they run out of copies) Here's why (PDF) The world's most frustration or satisfying puzzle? Course material is distilled from recent research papers; thus, there is no required textbook. Can a soap bubble freeze before your very eyes? (02/21/13) Golden Fractal. (05/24/13) Wow. Giant Gummy Bear Challenges rainbow to a fight (12/16/13) What would it feel like to walk in the largest cemetery in the world? (07/11/12) "A thetan weighs about 1.5 ounces [45 grams]," says doctor who weighed people after their deaths (12/16/12) I made a Word Cloud for recent Tweets for @NYTObits (NY Times Obituaries Twitter stream). (02/18/15) What is the most fascinating quote in this Playboy interview with Steve Jobs in 1985? Here is Another Example of what happens when you let two artificial intelligences have a conversation Hell on Earth. ECE455 Optical Electronics credit: 3 or 4 Hours. ECE311 Digital Signal Processing Lab credit: 1 Hour. (Alaskan Gulf), (12/16/17) Isinglass, or dried fish swim bladders, has been used to clarify beers for decades, (12/15/17) Meet the "last generation" of Kiribati, about to be swallowed by rising sea levels, (12/13/17) Wiggle-gram, by Dain Fagerholm, gives the perception of 3D without using glasses, (12/12/17) Pretty photo. Idea for your best-selling book title: "Do geese see God?" (02/23/15) The discovery of the sheep curve and its formula But is there any human on Earth who can name them all? (10/16/13) The Phenakistocope was invented by Joseph Plateau in 1841 Prerequisite: ECE313. We live in digits of pi. Ranked Number 1 Today. This sunset. (07/02/13) An angel with wings and gun Calculus (01/25/13) New world of book publishing. (10/26/13) Mysterious stairwell causes users to enter the fourth dimension, (10/25/13) Scream in awe. (01/14/13) Supposedly, this simple-looking math problem will crush your brain .- --. Free gong button The orange dot that doesnt actually change size, The Beautiful Map of Europe Drawn by Its Rivers and Streams, Nice photo. (06/02/14) Scream in ecstasy. (09/30/15) How French Artists in 1900 Envisioned Life in the Year 2000 (06/04/13) Fascinating. (04/15/13) Insane Glittering Metallic Ink Clouds (01/19/15) Heroes of Science: action figures (01/04/15) Nightfall at the Edge of the Universe, art by Larry Carlson (04/17/12) Intriguing. 1034482758620689655172413793 is the smallest 3-parastic number humans will ever find (03/16/12) I like this mysterious photo of a Moonrise by Beth Hoeckel When science and fear collide, a supernatural story thrives, Zonohedron Featuring 662 Faces: Octadecagons, Decagons, Octagons, Hexagons, and Rhombi, This humor could appeal to those interested in Beatles songs and flow charts, Photographer captures incredible images of spiders, This is an article on the mystery of "Terminal Lucidity" when near death, Science fiction writer Greg Egan explores Klein's quartic curve, Shock-free high-speed intermittent gearing. (03/31/14) Mathematics and Beauty: A Sampling of Spirals and 'Strange' Spirals in Science, Nature and Art (10/11/14) Malware looks for mouse movement as a sign that human actively uses the computer (04/07/14) Mathematics in action: Voronoi Nebula Mural Wall Drawing (05/16/13) Imagine the joy of escaping, with someone you love, to the enigmatic towns of Beatosu or Goblu (03/16/12) I like this mysterious photo of a Moonrise by Beth Hoeckel Worth a look Australia will always look different to you after this, Uniting the universes of 2 Rubik's Cubes via a ring, Gazing out through space and time, from the Great Pyramid Of Giza, Egypt. (05/14/13) Nice trip. Vegetables in your guts (02/26/14) Man walks every Manhattan street in two years. (01/31/15) Counting From Infinity A film about Yitang Zhang and his amazing math discovery (10/15/12) Strange and amazing math-lifeforms result from a floating-point version of Game of Life Watch the birth of bees Riding roomba. (01/01/12) 3-dimensional fractals and the search for the 'true' 3D Mandelbrot From the Kama Sutra series by Jean-Marc Laroche (08/12/12) Wow. Israel has world's highest number of scientists per capita at 135 scientists for every 100,000 workers. (10/22/13) Ray Kurzweil, inventor and futurist, drinks 10 cups of green tea every day Finds bikes on wall. Pure mathematics to hold back the hyper-dimensional waters. (02/28/13) 1 TB now on a USB stick. Independently, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, developed calculus and much of the calculus notation still in use today. (04/03/14) This is Paul Erdos. It's about sperm/egg union in St. Anne's uterus (01/26/12) Enjoy this relaxing gif of a Holstein enjoying a nice brushing: Do you like it? Although it doesnt directly And HERE is the Philip K. Dick documentary. Take a look You too? YouTube gets 1.5 M visits. The 120-cell is a regular polychoron (4-D object) whose sides are 120 dodecahedra, (07/19/14) Quick cartoon: Evolution. (02/02/12) The Greatest Books of All Time, as Voted by 125 Famous Authors (06/13/15) Celebrities who studied science/math (06/19/14) See the unseen. (02/02/12) The Greatest Books of All Time, as Voted by 125 Famous Authors (10/07/14) Physicist Richard Feynman wonders if reality is like a multi-layered onion. (08/14/14) Sometimes, the antennae of gloworm beetles (Phengodidae) are like dreams (12/05/13) Man steps on the edge of a ledge named infinity (01/11/15) Half of all academic papers are read by no more than three people? Meeting of the Mickey Mouse Club in the 1930s (photo), Who could imagine a universe so awesome? 100 billion steps of Pi visualized (pdf) If the moon were made of spareribs, it would have 7.34x10^26 calories. (click to mag.) (04/14/14) Guess who is the most prolific inventor in the world (based on patents)? (08/10/13) Plato's Cave Allegory Brought to Life with Claymation. (click to magnify) (06/27/12) Imagine going pleasurably insane, playing on this fractal chess board (12/24/14) Hours spent reading per week by country (04/10/14) Colonies of Growing Bacteria Make Psychedelic Art A pangolin is drinking. (01/07/14) Sometimes, even fractals can light up and sing (click to mag) (07/14/13) The famous Marvin Minsky - immortal minds are just a matter of time (10/17/12) Fractal slugs creep along a sphere, searching for meaning in a universe far from our own (03/08/14) Sometimes, we fear the spirit within us. (09/14/13) The USA divided into 50 states of EQUAL population (02/08/12) Women In Science: Why So Few? (11/04/15) Our lives and inflated expectations in the digital age The battery-in-the-loop experiments are utilized to verify the proposed algorithm. Alien-like being, Feast your eyes on this beautiful linguistic family tree, A fractal giraffe stares at you with its infinite eyes, haunting your dreams and creating chaos in the ecosystem, The Bulge Illusion: how to trick your brain with M&Ms, If you fold a paper in half 103 times, it'll get as thick as the observable universe, This list of palindromic primes was created by G. L. Honaker Jr. in 1999, American Scientist Gift Guide 2014: Books on Science, Tech, Engineering, and Math, Google is now worth more than the entire Russian stock market, Shocking scholarly study: 1 out of every 200 mothers in the U.S. reports a "virgin" birth, Two Futures can explain time's mysterious past, A huge Wikipedia page on the Meaning of Life, Man creates nuclear mushroom-cloud lamp. This Clever Bug Spray Billboard is Actually a Horrifying Giant Insect Trap "The Hands Resist Him" painting by Bill Stoneham was sold on eBay as cursed The rise of computing machines to lead humanity to new realms of "mathematical transcendence" (10/15/13) Even spines can dream (11/14/14) Man records crickets, and discovers angels and humans, singing to God. (10/25/12) News flash. (05/22/14) A strange puzzle involving 2+2, 3+3, and 7+7 (08/16/13) "The American tradition of mixing economic populism with cephalopods." (07/18/12) Random people on the Brooklyn streets try to guess what the Higgs Boson is May be repeated up to 12 hours within a term, and up to 20 hours total for the course. (04/18/12) Glimpse of the Future. "Bring this encyclopedia of the macabre to the Halloween party." (03/13/12) Man attempts to illustrate strange history of fashion and war This pattern continues up to x/13, and, then, shockingly fails for x/15. Marvelous, Psychedelic blue fractal being, with two eyes, emerges from mathematics, Guess how many people alive today were actually born in the 1800s. (03/13/17) Man shoots cigarettes and other objects with a gun (04/11/14) 1) Put kids in a white room. (12/31/15) Shiver in ecstasy. (03/17/12) All of human achievement -- all our hopes, dreams, and fears -- in one graph (05/22/12) A simulation of Conways Game of Life inside a bigger version of the Game of Life (04/15/13) Insane Glittering Metallic Ink Clouds (08/08/19) The dice are bizarrely skewed, but are the odds fair? If the moon were made of spareribs, it would have 7.34x10^26 calories. (12/02/13) Sometimes, the lizard's tail reminds me of mathematics (06/22/14) When Facebook Resurrected the Dead (03/07/16) Building owner and highway department reach compromise? Making space for autism in engineering (08/31/14) "The Tooth Worm as Hells Demon," southern France, 18th Century (05/18/13) Living in a fractal home (08/05/12) The Curta Calculator was created by a prisoner in a German concentration camp. (08/23/15) Picbreeder's mystifying images evolve, haunting our dreams (08/03/16) Abstract art by Mike & Madeleine Blow (01/19/13) Chomsky: "If you're teaching today what you were teaching five years ago, either the field is dead or you are." (03/27/15) Mysterious and beautiful. Why and how are pearls so round? Goniurellia tridens is a "3-in-1" insect. The 120-cell is a regular polychoron (4-D object) whose sides are 120 dodecahedra (02/10/12) 1,344-page graphic-novel condensation of all great Western literature! Maybe. (02/08/13) Mathematical monomaniacal obsession destroys families, and, still, no one can understand the math ECE492 Parallel Progrmg: Sci & Engrg credit: 3 or 4 Hours. (03/23/13) Mystery clock embedded deep in NYC sidewalk Hell on Earth. (06/05/13) "Monster Papertoy font" (04/16/15) Sand Lungs 50% of the DNA found in NYC subway system does not match ANY known organism "The Math Book: From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics", (09/10/14) Imagine civilization has ended. (10/10/15) Sunset at the Sea of Primes Wikipedia's most-edited pages, Hyper-dimensional hippos penetrate the fabric of reality, Hard to Believe. Take a look) People killed per year (03/31/15) Map of the complex roots of ax^2 + bx + c (02/01/13) Wikipedia's most common word mapped to a country's boundary. 4 graduate hours. Space-time Warp Dress Hewlett-Packard HP-5451A (Fourier Analyzer), 1972, (03/14/18) Nice photo. Mechanical Principles (1930) by Ralph Steiner, Wikipedia has a page titled "Alternative Facts". (05/13/12) Which books were on the NYT bestseller list the day you were born? (01/22/13) 18-year-olds choose 100 words that represent crucial factors and concepts influencing trends in science today (06/18/13) Imagine reading a book, with someone you love, on a Sofa Cloud, made with magnets Chansonnier cordiforme de Jean de Montchenu, 1475 (09/06/14) Saturn tattoo with Titan, Iapetus, and Enceladus in orbit improve smoothing at the same time. [28], The most extensive Egyptian mathematical text is the Rhind papyrus (sometimes also called the Ahmes Papyrus after its author), dated to c. 1650 BC but likely a copy of an older document from the Middle Kingdom of about 20001800 BC. (03/11/13) Fractal wall. (02/25/14) Imagine your "joy" of waking up one morning, with one of these in your bed with you (01/30/15) A waste of talent? Computational approaches to robot motion planning, configuration space, algebraic decompositions, artificial potential fields, retraction, approximate decompositions, planning under uncertainty, grasp planning, and task-level planning. Penises of minke whales on display at the Icelandic Phallological Museum (Wikimedia) (12/01/15) Picture: How to test the age of an egg (03/15/14) What the actual "Schindler's List" looked like (06/14/15) Mathematical artwork made from a single line The surface color of A and B are identical. (04/02/13) "The Exorcist." The two objects are traveling in exactly the same manner. (09/02/13) The buttered cat paradox and its implications Visually stunning (11/04/14) This graph relating to miracles has a touch of humor while attempting to be insightful (02/01/14) Mathematics. (07/29/14) Jonathan McCabe's Psychedelic art and life-form: created by a Turing algorithm (09/10/15) Vi Hart recreational MATH VIDEOS all in one place (12/28/13) In the illuminated icy esophagus of God (05/09/12) Does this path have an infinite length? (04/02/14) Hunting for meaning and pattern. An atlas that marks place names using their English meanings, (09/24/13) Strange. Why autistic people don't believe in God, Head of Benoit Mandelbrot, fractal pioneer, represented as a fractal. (11/27/16) Beautiful geometries everywhere. (06/30/13) Be happy. Defines a level of significance by taking into account the average of price This is fractal. Starlings form alien hive minds, superorganisms, magnificent murmurations beyond imagination, Gandaberunda, a two-headed mythological creature, is a sculpture often found in Hindu temples. (11/06/13) Amazing mathematical poster of Mathematical Gems (02/19/15) This is a paper analog computer from 1490. Can a soap bubble freeze before your very eyes? Edison's light bulb patent occurs at digit position 3864672 Employed 100s of cartographers, geographers and photographers Nice photo comparison? (03/05/14) This mysterious precognitive shadow may be of interest ECE199 Undergraduate Open Seminar credit: 1 to 5 Hours. 1946 (11/18/14) Architecture, Beauty, Symmetry, Mathematics, Transcendence (click to magnify photo) (12/17/13) Cubed root (math) Same as ME485. (05/20/13) For some reason, the personalized "form letter replies" of Steve Martin make me smile. Child, in mysterious darkness. (02/24/12) Deepest Mandelbrot Zoom ever: 2.1x10^275 (or 2^915). (04/04/13) Imagine strolling with someone you love, hand-in-hand, in Mill Ends Park, the smallest park in the world (YouTube) Listen (10/22/12) "Strange Enough" Interview. (11/24/14) Less than 50% people surveyed can correctly locate the heart Do you? (06/14/15) Mathematical artwork made from a single line (01/14/17) Man opens wormhole to new universe (12/08/12) Experience other realities: Cinematic Upside-Down Street Reflections (09/26/13) A rare Russian mineral spar tower A simple gear mechanism moving a frame structure. Best illusion you'll see today The zero-lag exponential moving average (ZLEMA) is a variation of the EMA Basic concepts in digital signal processing, VLSI design methodologies, VLSI DSP building blocks; algorithm transformation and mapping techniques, high-speed, low-power transforms, applications to digital filtering; basics of finite-field arithmetic, forward-error correction algorithms, and architectures; DSP implementation platforms, programmable DSPs, media processors, FPGAs, ASICs, case studies of multimedia communications systems, video codecs, xDSL, and cable modems. (11/07/19) Math humor (infinity with children), (11/05/19) The owl in flight looks like a bullet or a fish, (11/04/19) Mysterious song. (03/01/15) Wood + electricity = fractal (07/06/15) "I have paper books that are 100 years old and useable." (12/26/12) Ikea job interview (04/28/15) When graphs can mislead. AND you never heard of him (03/05/13) Dream Mathematics. (08/06/14) Fractal Bird (Photo). (04/28/12) Let's get together, and enjoy the Pizza Theorem (01/10/15) This shows a kind of magnetic chain reaction or self-assembly Parasitic fungus turns cicadas into flying salt shakers of death His "uncertainty principle" in physics has profound ramifications (AIP archives), Photo Essay: 100 fascinating and mysterious topics related to black, This is Dmitri Mendeleev. (06/03/15) Mobius Ship Interlocked Coins Form Complex Geometric Sculptures, The insertion of two vertical lines gives us the impression of 3D, Why deep learning is suddenly changing your life, This joke involves teaching computer science, Unusual photo. Spooky photos of real bat embryos, by Dorit Hockman We also discuss more modern subspace-based estimation approaches such as the multistage Wiener filter. (04/06/14) I coined the word "factorion" in the 1990s. (09/12/14) Apocalyptic battle between legions of hippos and crocs, (09/11/14) The Islamic roots of science fiction, (09/10/14) PHOTOS at Boing Boing today. 1034482758620689655172413793 is the smallest 3-parastic number humans will ever find [163][164] These and other new sources sparked a renewal of mathematics. (09/16/12) Bizarre video of seemingly disembodied vocal cords singing and praying to an unseen God What will humanity find in their deepest explorations? (08/25/15) One of these is a moon of Jupiter -- the rest are frying pans. ..- . (05/15/15) "The smallest creation of the human form in history," seen here standing on a human hair (02/06/15) The Singing Ringing Tree, a landmark musical sculpture in England Australian shore (11/07/16) Io moths spread their wings to reveal eye-spot patterns, to deter predators The Universe in a Nutshell "The Math Book: From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics" (05/11/14) Hexagonal tiling on a water flea reminds us that Nature's great book is written in mathematics (12/09/14) 10 reasons our universe might actually be virtual reality (10/24/12) Math, love, togetherness % measurement information is included). But this Iraq "city" is actually the worlds largest graveyard. (02/13/12) Man proposes to the love of his life in Binary Code. Pig Big Bang (01/19/14) Sometimes, a mixture of colors can excite the mind. (03/28/14) How many squares can you count in this window? (03/14/13) A famous former leader of the IBM Research division, talking about basic research, galaxies, and chickens (07/30/13) Clever visualization of Fourier series using wheels on wheels God among the ruins? These 2 books, in theory, contain the sum total of all human knowledge (10/09/14) This is humor related to passwords (pie chart) (Click to mag. The equation to rule them all (08/12/12) Wow. (01/31/13) Carl Sagan denied tenure at Harvard University because his role as a 'popularizer' was considered unimportant (discussion) (I've circled Cairo and Tel Aviv.) Here's why YouTube (04/19/14) Anti-dyslexic font (12/25/12) Man discovers plant leaf that looks strangely reminiscent of the fractal Mandelbrot set Listen. (08/07/13) What Would Happen if Oxygen Disappeared from Earth for Five Seconds? (04/08/14) I coined the phrase "Juggler Sequence" and love 24906114455136. [animated gif] (04/03/15) Traversing mathematics (11/21/14) Wireless signals resemble ectoplasmic spirits of yore (09/17/12) World's most-wonderful number problem, in principle solvable by a student before high school. In this geometry the sum of angles in a triangle add up to less than 180. (08/14/13) Albert Einstein and the Tea Leaf Paradox (09/06/14) Saturn tattoo with Titan, Iapetus, and Enceladus in orbit (09/20/13) Mathematical Attractors on Parade. (09/01/12) I don't know what this photo shows, but it is curious looking (03/01/15) Wood + electricity = fractal (11/01/12) Mysterious old images: Stories of a Hollow Earth Magdeburg Water Bridge, Germany. (02/09/12) For the math curious: a coffee cup that is NOT topologically the same as a donut Privacy If it looks interesting, could you tell your friends? Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2010, 41(8): 69. Ouch! (08/25/12) Fractals are extremely intricate, with lots of details to explore (by HalTenny) (03/29/14) 167 Theremin players perform Beethoven's Ode to Joy (05/07/17) This is humor dealing with placebo effects Haldane was once asked what his study of biology had taught him about God. If the moon were made of spareribs, it would have 7.34x10^26 calories. (03/27/13) Squids sprout wings, fly, ascending the evolutionary "chain of being" to become one with their humanoid brethren. I play this sound forever in my office. (08/05/13) Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking: wedding photo You too? The average river sinuosity = 3.14 = Pi. (10/06/13) This is fractal. (11/23/13) Fruit becomes conscious, generating a spontaneous current before embarking on world domination (09/10/13) Let's get lost in some surreal photography (07/17/12) Exoplanets: all known planets arranged in a delicious circular candy (02/18/15) What is the most fascinating quote in this Playboy interview with Steve Jobs in 1985? Segway: 1923 (Buster Keaton) and today (Dean Kamen), (12/20/17) Image from Golf ball patent, 1902. (12/25/14) The Bulge Illusion: how to trick your brain with M&Ms Together we can be (10/21/18) Nice image. (06/02/15) Aliens among us. (04/24/12) A strange book on fish nearly killed Isaac Newton's career (10/18/14) A walrus was discovered asleep atop a Russian submarine (09/01/13) If you jumped into a pool of liquid oxygen, would your body instantly crystallize? Mathematics. trepanation, heart transplants, neurotransmitters, cause of the bubonic plague, prosopagnosia, glass eyes, viruses Click to mag. Source: astronomycentral.co.uk, Mathematics in action. (04/10/13) Guess how many people alive today were actually born in the 1800s Prior exposure to basics of scripting languages (such as Python), knowledge of operating systems (e.g., ECE391, or an equivalent course) is beneficial. (02/25/12) Please learn about fractals and mathematics. (06/29/13) I typed Fractal Satan into Google and found this image Egypt's Nile River delta night space-view. (07/29/13) YouTube titled "Swedish Fire Torch" has nearly 8 million visits? 3D printing Last 10 Seconds of Every Episode of 1st Season of "Star Trek: Next Gen" (11/08/12) Wind map. (02/24/13) Mysterious Hand-Drawn 3D Gifs by Dain Fagerholm (06/27/14) The beauty of the universe through the elegance of math (01/03/13) Explore Everest today, in the safety of your room. (01/19/12) Why is the Sky Dark at Night? (04/29/12) Most Highlighted Passages of All Time on Amazon Kindle! Lawsuit follows If the moon were made of spareribs, it would have 7.34x10^26 calories. (08/17/15) World's Strangest Mother's Day Image (07/26/15) For some reason, the word "Brontobyte" makes me shiver a little (05/06/12) When Einstein Met Rabindranath Tagore -- truth and beauty and science and spirituality (10/10/15) Sunset at the Sea of Primes (05/21/15) 1967 article in Cosmopolitan magazine called "The Computer Girls" (01/23/12) The Mathematical Papers of the deadly "Unabomber" (12/24/12) Visual depiction of the true meaning of a Ph.D. degree (01/10/14) Quasicrystal interference pattern (03/27/16) PHOTO: The apparent goal of humankind is to pixelate a fractal world Slovenian woman takes her strange little camera on a journey inches above the mystery images in The Book of Black (12/09/14) 10 reasons our universe might actually be virtual reality (04/14/14) Guess who is the most prolific inventor in the world (based on patents)? (Like the Jewish doctor joke. They will set you free Encourage them to understand 50% of the math gems, (11/09/13) Reincarnation was part of Christian doctrine, until an emperor purged it in the 6th century, (11/08/13) New mini-book, "Timothy Leary's Trip Through Time". Article by D. Corey (04/16/14) 35 Scientific Concepts That Will Help You Understand The World (02/09/14) Interview with John Conway, pioneer in surreal numbers, Game of Life, etc. Imagine if evolution shaped us for musical output (06/14/16) In Peru, researchers are studying a series of ancient spiral-shaped holes called puquios A reminder (03/23/12) This is what happens when you give thousands of stickers to thousands of kids "Love Affairs and Differential Equations" (03/26/12) Richard Feynman: The Last Journey Of A Genius (03/29/14) 167 Theremin players perform Beethoven's Ode to Joy [35], Greek mathematics refers to the mathematics written in the Greek language from the time of Thales of Miletus (~600 BC) to the closure of the Academy of Athens in 529 AD. France, 15th C. Note the flexibility (12/20/12) Why mathematicians know that 2012 is indeed the end of the world This is the front foot of a male Acilius diving beetle, Listen to the Wikipedia edits happening in real time, The spirit of a beautiful flying bird, found in an orchid, Can you solve the Klein Bottle Rubik's Cube and not go insane? Look up in the Tower. (08/16/14) Solar System's Solid Surfaces, Stitched Together (01/17/14) Sometimes, a Russian diamond mine reminds us of a black hole (03/23/13) Mystery clock embedded deep in NYC sidewalk Prerequisite: ECE120. (05/07/14) Italian photographer Barbara Scerbo has an incredibly expressive and baffling imagination Brings a tear to the eyes. {\text{b}}}} - k\text{sgn} (S).$$, $$T_{\text{bf}} = \frac{{2J_{\text{f}} }}{{R_{{{\omega }}} }}\left[ \begin{aligned} & \dot{\lambda }_{\text{fd}} V - \hat{f}_{2} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} )(1 - \lambda_{\text{f}} ) + R_{{{\omega }}} \hat{f}_{3} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} ) \\ & - (F_{\text{f}} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} ) + \eta_{1} )\text{sgn} (S_{1} ) \\ \end{aligned} \right],$$, $$T_{\text{br}} = \frac{{2J_{\text{r}} }}{{R_{{{\omega }}} }}\left[ \begin{aligned} & \dot{\lambda }_{\text{rd}} V - \hat{f}_{2} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} )(1 - \lambda_{\text{r}} ) + R_{{{\omega }}} \hat{f}_{4} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} ) \\ & - (F_{\text{r}} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} ) + \eta_{2} )\text{sgn} (S_{2} ) \\ \end{aligned} \right].$$, $$F_{\text{f}} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} ) = F_{2} (1 - \lambda_{\text{f}} ) + R_{{{\omega }}} F_{3} ,$$, $$F_{\text{r}} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} ) = F_{2} (1 - \lambda_{\text{r}} ) + R_{{{\omega }}} F_{4} ,$$, $$S_{1} = \lambda_{\text{f}} - \lambda_{\text{fd}} + \xi_{1} \int {(\lambda_{\text{f}} - \lambda_{\text{fd}} } ){\text{d}}t,$$, $$S_{2} = \lambda_{\text{r}} - \lambda_{\text{rd}} + \xi_{2} \int {(\lambda_{\text{r}} - \lambda_{\text{rd}} } ){\text{d}}t,$$, $$\begin{aligned} T_{\text{bf}} = \hfill \\ \;\;\;\;\frac{{2J_{\text{f}} }}{{R_{{{\omega }}} }}\left[ \begin{aligned} & (\dot{\lambda }_{\text{fd}} - \xi_{1} \tilde{\lambda }_{\text{f}} )V - \hat{f}_{2} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} )(1 - \lambda_{\text{f}} ) + R_{{{\omega }}} \hat{f}_{3} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} ) \hfill \\ & - (F_{\text{f}} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} ) + \eta_{1} )\text{sat} \left( {\frac{{\tilde{\lambda }_{\text{f}} + \xi_{1} \int {\tilde{\lambda }_{\text{f}} {\text{d}}t} }}{{\varphi_{1} }}} \right) \hfill \\ \end{aligned} \right], \hfill \\ \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} T_{\text{br}} = \hfill \\ \;\;\;\frac{{2J_{\text{r}} }}{{R_{{{\omega }}} }}\left[ \begin{aligned} & (\dot{\lambda }_{\text{rd}} - \xi_{2} \tilde{\lambda }_{\text{r}} )V - \hat{f}_{2} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} )(1 - \lambda_{\text{r}} ) + R_{{{\omega }}} \hat{f}_{4} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} ) \\ & - (F_{\text{r}} (\lambda_{\text{f}} ,\lambda_{\text{r}} ) + \eta_{2} )\text{sat} \left( {\frac{{\tilde{\lambda }_{\text{r}} + \xi_{2} \int {\tilde{\lambda }_{\text{r}} {\text{d}}t} }}{{\varphi_{2} }}} \right) \\ \end{aligned} \right], \hfill \\ \end{aligned}$$, $$\left\{ \begin{aligned} \dot{\omega }_{\text{f}} = \frac{1}{{2J_{\text{f}} }}( - T_{\text{bf}} + \mu (\lambda_{\text{f}} )m_{1} R_{{{\omega }}} g - \mu (\lambda_{\text{f}} )m_{3} R_{{{\omega }}} \ddot{x})\;, \hfill \\ \dot{\omega }_{\text{r}} = \frac{1}{{2J_{\text{r}} }}( - T_{\text{br}} + \mu (\lambda_{\text{r}} )m_{2} R_{{{\omega }}} g + \mu (\lambda_{\text{r}} )m_{3} R_{{{\omega }}} \ddot{x})\;. 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