Key Points. Protists can be grouped according to similarities in a number of different categories including nutrition acquisition, mobility, and reproduction. Biomass of photosynthetic protists has declined as sea surface temperature has _______________. If a rocky shore highly exposed to wave action is compared to a similar rocky shore that is a lot less exposed to wave action, one should expect that barnacles living on the more exposed shore show a. Most protists are unicellular, though some are colonial or multicellular. Suppose you are a member of a city planning board. (B) light (C) oxygen. Cell Division and Cancer 10. Locomotion by Mucilage Propulsion. Polyphyletic groups are groups that do not include the common ancestor of all the members. marine and freshwater; autrophic, heterotrophic, mixotrophic; ridge on cell wall and two flagella; cause red tide (Alveolate/Chromalveolate), apex structure with complex organelles for penetrating host cells and tissues; e.g. d. from chicken. The modes are: 1. Biology Chapter Four Flashcards | Quizlet Study with Quizlet and memorize ashcards containing terms like Which one of the statements about Diplomonads and Parabasalids lack plastids and have modified mitochondria, and most live in ___________________ environments. several diverse groups of photosynthetic protists. Introduction to Molecular Genetics 4. What is the stage called that occurs from ages 2-7 and shows that the child still isn't using conservation or logical reasoning? What is the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts? Some Protists are photoautotrophs and contain chloroplast. Protist life cycles range from relatively simple ones that may involve only periodic binary fissions to very complex schemes that may contain asexual and sexual phases, encystment and excystment, andin the case of many symbiotic and parasitic formsan alternation of hosts. answer choices pseudopods cilia flagella Question 10 Read the steps to stain and see bacteria using: 1. 2: Protists use various methods for transportation. purple which is Gram positive. Algal cells usually have a cell wall which, like the cell walls of true plants, contain cellulose. The endosymbiotic theory states that an ancestral eukaryote or host cell engulfed an aerobic prokaryote (alpha proteobacterium) thus giving rise to mitochondria. Why is "Kingdom Protista" no longer a valid taxonomic grouping? Which example below is a characteristic shared by diplomonads and parabasalids? Flashcards Learn Test Created by saldajaz00 PLUS Terms in this set (25) Protists include A. Yeasts and molds B. Algae and protozoa C. Helminths D. Bacteria E. Viruses B. Algae and protozoa The eukaryotic cell organelle that most resembles a bacterial cell is. A company wants to buy a piece of land outside the city and build a factory one it. O cisternae transitional vesicles. The genus Paramecium includes protists that have organized their cilia into a plate-like primitive mouth, called an oral groove, which is used to capture and digest bacteria (). Examples of protists include various unicellular red algae, such as Cyanidioschyzon merolae; unicelluar green algae, such as Chlamydomonas . Protists that are capable of photosynthesis include various types of algae, diatoms, dinoflagellates, and euglena. Which of these features are found in all protists? euglenids The term mixotroph indicates that a protist __________. Section 21.1: Protist Classification - The Saga Continues. Pseudopodial Locomotion 2. Our resource for Biology Study Workbook A includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you are amoebas that have lobe-or tube-shaped, rather than threadlike, pseudopodia; includes slime molds, tubulinids, and entamoebas. slime mold. all three have sacs known as alveoli just beneath their plasma membranes. A. Nucleus B. Golgi apparatus C. Mitochondrion D. Lysosomes E. Ribosomes Which of the following is the best description of protists' contribution to photosynthesis? On what criteria are the five supergroups of protista supported? Phytopthera infestans (potato late blight) (Stramenophile/Chromalveolate), internal silican skeleton, microtubules in pseudopodia that radiate (Rhizarian), cell wall is cellulose, storage polysaccharide (Archeaplastida), cell wall is cellulose, storage polysaccharide, e.g. They also contain chlorophyll, a pigment which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis. At one point in their life cycle, they form a mass called plasmodium, can prompt us to question what it means to be an individual organism. Plant-like protists may reproduce asexually or sexually. B) All cells have internal structures that . Kelps (brown algae) are the only multicellular protists. | Quizlet Chapter Vocabulary Review. Protists are found in diverse _____________ and moist ________________ environments. Many species of rhizarians are ______________. There are two flagella make them spin as they move through water. What kind of cells featured in sexual life cycles can germinate to produce multicellular individuals or phases? Includes Kingdom Plantae and some algal groups (green algae, red algae, cryptomonads and haptophytes) Term. What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis? 23) Which protist group includes the water molds, diatoms, and brown algae? A second distinctive feature of ciliates is that they have two nuclei. Viruses Bacteria Protists And Fungi Test Answers File Name: viruses-bacteria-protists-and-fungi-test-answers.pdf Size: 3365 KB Type: PDF, ePub, eBook Category: Book Uploaded: 2022-10-27 Rating: 4.6/5 from 566 votes. They have a characteristic apical complex that enables them to infect host cells. Protists include: (1) protozoa the animal-like protists (2) algae the plant-like protists and (3) slime molds and water molds the fungus-like protists. The contractile vacuole allows unwalled unicellular eukaryotes that live in hypotonic environments to excrete excess water so they do not explode. The body form of some brown algae includes a holdfast, stipe and blade which are structures analogous to the root, stem and leaves of members of Kingdom Planta. Waste particles are expelled by an exocytic vesicle that . Apicomplexans are currently assigned to the chromalveolates because __________. While exceptions exist, they are primarily microscopic and made up of a single cell. All eukaryotic unicellular and multicellular organisms that are not included in Kingdom Planta, Kingdom Animalia, Kingdom Fungi; the protist grouping of course excludes Domains Archaea and Bacteria. Protists are a diverse collection of organisms that do not fit into animal, plant, bacteria or fungi groups. Cephalopods show a much higher degree of structural and behavioral complexity than other groups of molluscs. Protists usually form colonies consisting of one or a couple of distinct kinds of cells. Paramecium (Alveolate/Chromalveolate), cell wall is hydrated silica, laminarin (storage polysaccharide) (Stramenophile/Chromalveolate), cell wall is cellulose, laminarin (storage polysaccharide), e.g. Humans are host to at least six species, are an extremely diverse group of eukaryotes that include animals, fungi, and several groups of protists, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations, Jean Phillips, Ricky W. Griffin, Stanley Gully. Giardia, Diatoms, Golden algae, brown algae, oomycetes, Chlorarachniophytes, Forams, Radiolarians, Red algae, chlorophytes, charophytes, land plants. The features that help define them as separate clades are their accessory photosynthetic pigments, cell wall components, and storage carbohydrates. What do a carnivorous dinoflagellate, a parasitic apicomplexan, and a ciliate have in common? Collection of eukaryotes that do not fit in the kingdoms plants animals and fungi, Why is classification a protist difficult, Because they are polyphyletic meaning they contain multiple independent lineages and common ancestors, Single called and microscopic in size (like paramecium), Large aggregates or colonies of single-felled individuals like volvox, Multicellular organisms like sargasso (giant kelp), Great diversity in ecology, behavior, nutrition, morphology and locomotion, Protists use diverse modes of obtaining nutrition, Use their flexible membranes to surrounding and engulf food, Create tiny currents are there still yet to sweep food particles into mouth like openings, Examples of protists that absorb nutrients directly from their surroundings, Free living type of protist that decomposes dead organic material, Parasitic protist that causes African sleeping sickness in humans, The types of protist that ingest and those that absorb are called, Protists that obtain nutrients thru photosynthesis, Float suspended in oceans, lakes and ponds, Photosynthesizinf zooxanthellae live in coral, When nonphotosynthetic protists engulf photosynthetic protist. digitalbits Terms in this set (42) B. Algae and protozoa Protists include A. Yeasts and molds B. Algae and protozoa C. Helminths D. All of the choices are correct E. None of the choices are correct C. Mitochondria The eukaryotic cell organelle that most resembles a bacterial cell is the A. Nucleus B. Golgi apparatus C. Mitochondria D. Lysosome Photosynthesis and metabolism. Examples of protists include algae, amoebas, euglena, plasmodium, and slime molds. Excavata includes the protists: Diplomonads, Parabasalids and Euglenozoans. (c) Euglena uses a whip-like tail called a flagellum to propel itself. Mode # 1. Amoeba is an example of a protist. A sporic life cycle features multicellular haploid and diploid states, where as the other two life cycle types feature only one multicellular state (diploid in gametic life cycles and haploid in zygotic life cycles). frequently changing their surface proteins. All Protists were once classified in a single kingdom, Protista, but advances in eukaryotic systematics have caused the kingdom to crumble, Protists along with plants, and fungi, are classified as eukaryotes; they are in domain Eukaryote, one of the three domains of life, Protists exhibit more structural and functional diversity than any other group of eukaryotes, Most Protists are unicellular, although there are some colonial and multicellular species. Organisms are classified as Excavata based on __________. 1. Some protists glide along surface via _____ (diatioms, malarial parasite Plasmodium) Term. Suppose you have an AAaa tetraploid plant and it undergoes self-fertilization. Lesson Review Questions Recall. Which of these groups is characterized by cells that have more than one nucleus? (credit b: modification of work by CDC) Slime molds, or mycetozoans, were once thought to be __________ due to their spore-producing fruiting bodies. All of the following are genera of protists that parasitize humans EXCEPT: chlamydomonas Which of these groups includes photosynthetic unicellular organisms with flagella and contractile vacuoles? There is now considerable evidence that much protist diversity has its origins in __________________. Apicomplexans (alveolates) (chromalveota). Which of these groups includes unicellular organisms that, due to the structure of their cell walls, can withstand pressures equal to the pressure under each leg of a table supporting an elephant? Where do most Americans get most of their protein? Biotechnology III. The term mixotroph indicates that a protist __________. Slime molds, gymnamoebas, plants, animals, etc. Protists get food in one of three ways. An organism that is eukaryotic, autotrophic and is only multicelluar is from this kingdom. Which of the following is not a cellular organelle possessed by a protist? These protists include species that feed on prokaryotes in freshwater, marine, and moist terrestrial ecosystems. The clade Stramenopila includes both heterotrophic and photosynthetic protists. Which of these groups includes parasitic unicellular organisms with a complex of organelles specialized for penetrating host cells and tissues? The feeding stage of these organism consists of solitary cells that function individually, but when food is depleted, the cells form an aggregate that functions as a unit, large and varied group of amoebozoans. Transcription 7. Which protist group is thought to be most closely related to animals? Protists, the most nutritionally diverse of all eukaryotes, include: Photoautotrophs (contain chloroplasts), Heterotrophs (absorb organic molecules or ingest larger food particles), and Mixotrophs (combine photosynthesis and heterotrophic nutrition) Figure 23.2. 24) Which group has caused such agricultural problems as downy mildew, potato blight, and an avocado disease? These unicellular protists are universal in soil as well as freshwater and marine environments, are parasites, they infect all classes of vertebrate animals as well as some invertebrates. Life Cycles Protists include the single-celled eukaryotes living in pond water ( Figure 13.13 ), although protist species live in a variety of other aquatic and terrestrial environments, and occupy many different niches. protists that move and feed by pseudopodia, extensions of the cell surface that can be used for movement and feeding. Protist (biology definition): Any of a group of eukaryotic organisms belonging to the Kingdom Protista. . At what frequency will progeny with the dominant phenotype appear? Conjugation in ciliates involves the close association of two ciliates of different mating strains and swapping of haploid micronuclei. Protists exhibit more structural and functional ____________ than any other group of eukaryotes. A) All cells have cell walls. . Explain how the body form of some brown algae (Figs. What is one way in which a cellular slime mold differs from a plasmodial slime mold? when the haploid and diploid multicellular generations differ in morphology, sac-like organelles that expand to collect excess water and contract to squeeze the water out of the cell, A temporary, foot-like extension of a cell, used for locomotion or engulfing food, a protist characterized by the presence of pseudopodia, compound other than chlorophyll that absorbs light at different wavelengths than chlorophyll. combines photosynthesis and heterotrophic nutrition Generation cycle of an alternation of generations: the sporophyte produces haploid spores; spores develop into multicellular haploid male and female gametophytes, which produce gametes; fertilization of gametes results in a diploid zygote, which grows into a new sporophyte, have membrane-enclosed sacs (alveoli) just under the plasma membrane; includes Dinoflagellates, Apicomplexans, and Ciliates, have two flagella, and each cell is reinforced by cellulose plates; are abundant components of both marine and freshwater phytoplankton; are a diverse group of aquatic phototrophs, mixotrophs, and heterotrophs; toxic "red tides" are caused by dinoflagellate blooms, most are parasites of animals; some cause serious human diseases; they spread through their host as infectious cells called sporozoites; the life cycles of most apicomplexans have sexual and asexual stages and require two or more different hosts; the apicomplexan Plasmodium is the parasite that causes malaria, a large varied group of protists named for their use of cilia to move and feed; most care predators of bacteria or other protists; a distinctive feature is the presence of two types of nuclei: tiny micronuclei and large macronuclei; genetic variation results from conjugation, a process where two individuals exchange haploid micronuclei; is a sexual process and is separate from reproduction, which generally occurs by binary fission. morphological studies of the cytoskeleton. Introduction to Biology 1. Molecular Genetics 3. plasmodial slime molds and cellular slime molds, many species of are brightly pigmented, usually yellow or orange; they form a unicellular feeding mass called a plasmodium (not to be confused with malarial Plasmodium); the plasmodium is undivided by plasma membranes and contains many diploid nuclei, form multicellular aggregates in which cells are separated by their membranes; cells feed individually but can aggregate to migrate and form a fruiting body; Dictyostelium discoideum is an experimental model for studying the evolution of multicellularity, are common unicellular protists in soil as well as freshwater and marine environments; most are heterotrophic and actively seek and consume bacteria and other protists, are parasites of vertebrates and some invertebrates; entamoeba histolytica causes amebic dysentery, the third-leading cause of human death due to eukaryotic parasites, include animals, fungi, and several groups of protists; is highly diverse. 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