As the diet-derived vitamins are absorbed in the small intestine, it seems that the country-specific, microbial genetic content (vitamin metabolic genes derived from vitamin producing microorganisms) in the large intestine accounts for the observed differences in different cases as revealed through the abundant community-level metabolic reconstructions. ADS A total of 62 fecal sample from healthy infants were collected in Taiwan. On the other hand, IBD subjects (both onset and clinical remission ones) were not found to be significantly different concerning vitamin metabolism when compared to their respective country-matched healthy controls. To better reveal the differences of the microbial communities among the different time points, Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) of unweighted UniFrac79 distances was performed to assess the beta diversity of communities. We analyzed ~78 million base pairs of unique DNA sequence and 2062 polymerase chain reaction-amplified 16S ribosomal DNA sequences obtained from the fecal DNAs of two healthy adults. Said HM, Mohammed ZM. As shown in Fig. The inter-individual variation of microbial composition and function profile, Fig. The term brain-gut-microbiome axis is used to refer to the role of the dynamic changes in the gut microbiota can alter brain physiology and behavior42,43,44. In particular, 16S rRNA-based methods have been widely used to analyze the whole set of bacteria present in a target environment. Cell Host Microbe 17(5), 690703 (2015). Exp. 2022 Oct 6. doi: 10.1007/s10067-022-06392-9. Our findings provide a rationale to examine and disentangle the interrelationship between B-vitamin dosage (dietary or microbe-mediated) on gut microbial members and the host, in the gut microbiota of individuals with under- or overnutrition. Maternal HIV infection influences the microbiome of HIV-uninfected infants. The heatmap under the bar plot shows the correlation coefficients of each factor with Shannons index of diversity, gene richness, and COG richness, respectively. soil, sea water, human gut, A) after filtering (B), and are sequenced(E) after multiplication by cloning(D) in an approach called shotgun sequencing. Google Scholar. Succession of microbial consortia in the developing infant gut microbiome. The site is secure. Based on the presence or absence of genes encoding proteins required in vitamin biosynthetic pathways or transporter mechanisms or both, each microbial species was assigned as either vitamin prototrophs (producers) or vitamin consumers (consumers) or producer-consumer (dual) respectively for every vitamin type. 1 and Additional file 1: Table S1). Thompson, A. L. et al. Specker, B. L. Does vitamin D during pregnancy impact offspring growth and bone?. Al Shaikh, A. M. et al. We also observed that the phylum Firmicutes showed a significant difference (p-value=0.02625) between the two groups, FFIs have a significantly higher level of Firmicutes. In addition, one-way analysis of similarity (non-parametric test ANOSIM) was performed to test for statistically significant differences between the metagenomic profiles and p-values<0.05 were considered to be significant. Prentice, A., Goldberg, G. R. & Schoenmakers, I. Vitamin D across the lifecycle: physiology and biomarkers. 2B. Linear regression results between BMI and F/B ratio at 4-month-old of age in 4 groups of diet. 8A,B, based on previous observation in breastfed infant with sufficient vitamin D, while no similar effects on gut microbiota composition and activity were observed in the FFVD group. Ginty, F. & Prentice, A. Quantitative metagenomics reveals unique gut microbiome biomarkers in ankylosing spondylitis. 144(2), 273280 (2006). Hepatol. Jandhyala, S. M. et al. 139(2), 482491 (2017). Role of the normal gut microbiota. 12, 19 (2016). These factors collectively explain 18.7% of the variation seen in the interindividual distance of microbial . 8600 Rockville Pike *P<0.05. The island of Taiwan lies across the Northern Tropic, which has more than 1,400h of sunshine per year; however, these two evidences have shown that a substantial proportion of children in Taiwan have suboptimal levels of vitamin D, and its relationship with various allergic diseases23,24. Allergy Immunol. Background Recent studies have demonstrated that the human gut is populated by complex, highly individual and stable communities of viruses, the majority of which are bacteriophages. Indian J. Med. 2019 ). Here we performed a metagenome analysis on 307 fecal samples from 102 gout patients and 86 healthy controls. Tissue Int. Gut microbiome modulates response to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy in melanoma patients. Rossi M, Amaretti A, Raimondi S. Folate production by probiotic bacteria. 2013;7:19621973. Due to the effects of vitamin D deficiency in breastfed infant gut microbiota are still unknown. PMC Persistent gut microbiota immaturity in malnourished Bangladeshi children. 4C. In contrast, family Bifidobacteriaceae and Erysipelotrichaceae can be the biomarkers of BFCT group. about navigating our updated article layout. ***P<0.00001. A three-pronged association between metagenomic species, functions and clinical parameters revealed that decreased abundances of species in Enterobacteriaceae were associated with reduced amino acid metabolism and environmental sensing, which together contribute to increased serum uric acid and C-reactive protein levels in gout. A metagenome-wide association study of gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes. The highest indices were shown in both of the two groups at the birth, and subsequently decreased dramatically at the 1-month-old of age. Mndez-Salazar EO, Vzquez-Mellado J, Casimiro-Soriguer CS, Dopazo J, ubuk C, Zamudio-Cuevas Y, Francisco-Balderas A, Martnez-Flores K, Fernndez-Torres J, Lozada-Prez C, Pineda C, Snchez-Gonzlez A, Silveira LH, Burguete-Garca AI, Orbe-Orihuela C, Lagunas-Martnez A, Vazquez-Gomez A, Lpez-Reyes A, Palacios-Gonzlez B, Martnez-Nava GA. Mol Med. Nat. Google Scholar. Article Grey color in every row represents absence of species in the cohort and the purple color key (dark to light color) represents abundance from high to low values. Cell Infect. Allergy Clin. Pairs of species with correlation coefficient of less than zero were considered as negative correlation. The shape represents the kernel probability density of the data across different vitamin types are abbreviated as: biotin (BIO), cobalamin (COB), folate (FOL), menaquinone (MEN), niacin (NIA), pantothenate (PAN), pyridoxine (PYR), riboflavin (RIB), thiamine (THI). Fukuda, S. et al. Front Immunol. Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome. Suffixes that end with -B and -T are related to biosynthetic and transporter related genes respectively. The x-axis represents the reaction IDs associated to each vitamin pathway and on the y-axis the list of abundant gut bacteria are shown. Choosing and using multiple traits in functional diversity research. Wagner, C. L. et al. Here, we found that a high level of phylum Actinobacteria was observed in both groups, but there is no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Fig. List of all the KEGG Orthologies (KOs) and Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers that were studied for each vitamin pathways. Li X, Wu J, Kang Y, Chen D, Chen G, Zeng X, Wang J. Thus, we provide comprehensive metagenomic profiles of fecal samples to investigate the distribution and diversity of infant gut microbiota among different types of feeding regimes with and without vitamin D supplementation. Metab. 2022 Oct 10;2022:6466149. doi: 10.1155/2022/6466149. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error, The left panel denotes the significant Spearman correlations (FDR. doi: 10.1186/ar1907. Although many experts advocated that breast milk is the best food for infants, but a lack of some essential nutrients (in particular vitamin D and iron) that can affect growth and development of the child adversely, and even affect the gut microbiota composition and function. 2018, 9276380 (2018). The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The objective of this study was to investigate that the influence of vitamin D supplementation on gut microbiota in breast- and formula-fed infants during the early months of a newborns life. Front. To understand the metabolic potential of vitamin D deficiency and identifying differentially abundant functional features, the PICRUSt tool was used to predict the metagenome functional content of BFVD and BFCT groups. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00308-21. Color key for correlation is shown. Opin. Routy, B. et al. CMAJ 185(5), 385394 (2013). Clin. Sordillo, J. E. et al. 6(2), 133148 (2018). Gut Microbes 6(5), 321325 (2015). Degnan PH, Taga ME, Goodman AL. Bifidobacterium is one of the most common probiotics in the intestinal tract of mammals, which is a lactic acid bacteria (LAB)98,99. Google Scholar. As a consequence, several specific bioinformatic pipelines have been developed to manage these data. CRISPR-Cas (CRISPR-associated protein with clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats) recognized as a . Early than formula-fed infants, the proportion of family Actinobacteria in the breastfed infants was significantly increased at 1-month-old of age, of particular interest is the presence of the Bifidobacteria, considered probiotic microorganisms useful to the host for their beneficial effects. Here we identify 1,952 uncultured candidate bacterial species by reconstructing 92,143 metagenome-assembled genomes from 11,850 human gut microbiomes. Dogra, S. et al. PMC The current recommended vitamin D intake guideline for diet and supplements during pregnancy is not adequate to achieve vitamin D sufficiency for most pregnant women. 2021 Sep 17;9(9):1974. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9091974. Each phylum is colored and each type of vitamin phenotype is shown in grey. (XLSX 13 kb), Figure S1. Microbiome. One important obstacle in metagenomic studies of . PubMed Conversion of dietary Phylloquinone to tissue Menaquinone-4 in rats is not dependent on gut Bacteria. However, due to the relationships between vitamin D status and gut microbiome signatures in infants have not been satisfactorily examined. The human intestinal microbiota is composed of 1013 to 1014 microorganisms whose collective genome ("microbiome") contains at least 100 times as many genes as our own genome. These fecal samples were sampled from Shenzhen Second Peoples Hospital, Peking University Shenzhen Hospital and Medical Research Center of Guangdong General Hospital, individuals living in the south of China. We conducted an in-depth meta-analysis on publicly available shotgun metagenomics datasets of vaginal microbiome, including comparisons of microbial composition, metabolic pathways, biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs), and virulence factors (VFs) between PTB and Healthy groups. Ann. JAMA Surg. The human gut microbiome is known to be associated with various human disorders, but a major challenge is to go beyond association studies and elucidate causalities. -, Saag KG, Choi H. Epidemiology, risk factors, and lifestyle modifications for gout. Firmicutes and Actinobacteria were the most prevalentphyla, followed by Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria; these results were consistent with previous studies that infant gut microbiota is dominated by these bacteria60,76,77. Genome Res. Vitamin D deficiency in Europe: pandemic?. It also associated with immune system diseases, metabolic syndrome22, and even complications of pregnancy19. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Said HM, Nexo E. Gastrointestinal Handling of Water-Soluble Vitamins. 95(Suppl 1), 7984 (2019). The comparison for gene abundances included the following groups: healthy controls and the newly-onset IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) subjects from USA [14]; healthy controls and T2D (type 2 diabetes) subjects from China [13]; and healthy controls and IBD subjects under clinical remission from Spain [19]. For instance, even though Bacteroides thetaiotamicron could produce biotin and Bifidobacterium adolescentis could uptake biotin, we found that B. thetaiotamicron and B. adolescentis were negatively correlated. We found that the alpha diversity index strongly reduced in infants during the period from birth to term age, while have no obvious change after 1month (Fig. Bull, M. J. Taxonomic distribution of bacterial communities in fecal samples from formula-fed infants with vitamin D supplementation. Family level taxonomic composition correlated with the number of OTUs identified by Mg-Rast and QIIme. Metagenomic abundance of vitamin biosynthetic pathways and transporters in different states of health Many functional features of gut microbiota have been shown to correlate with health and disease, and we therefore evaluated if vitamin metabolism by gut commensals is associated with the host health status. Epub 2022 Aug 11. (D) Principal Co-ordinate Analysis based on unweighted UniFrac distance of the OTUs in BFCT and BFVD samples at 4-mont h-old of age. Fortification and health: challenges and opportunities. 4B, also see Table S6). While disease-specific alterations in the gut phageome have been observed in IBD, AIDS and acute malnutrition, the human gut phageome remains poorly characterised. Rodionova IA, Li X, Plymale AE, Motamedchaboki K, Konopka AE, Romine MF, et al. 3, we show how vitamin metabolic genes are prevalent across different phyla, which might suggest vitamin metabolism being as a part of core function in gut microbial metabolic modules. ADS Yao, T. C. et al. Fig. Fig. The pointrange refers to the mean and standard deviation. But a previous study found that vitamin D involved in modulation of innate immunity by regulating the antimicrobial peptides (AMP)50, and it has been demonstrated that the relative composition of the intestinal microbiota of mouse was influenced by the level of AMP expression51. Proc. Charoenngam, N., Shirvani, A. The biological activities of vitamin D and its receptor in relation to calcium and bone homeostasis, cancer, immune and cardiovascular systems, skin biology, and oral health. Of the 62 infants, 31 were exclusively breastfed infants and 31 were mixed- or formula-fed infants. Functional metagenomics can identify novel functional genes, microbial pathways, antibiotic resistance genes, functional dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiome, and determine interactions and co-evolution between microbiota and host, though there are still some limitations. The samples were collected and recruited from Massachusetts General Hospital, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and Emory University and Cincinnati Childrens Hospital [35]. To compare the taxonomic profile of vitamin metabolic genes (biosynthesis and transporter genes) at phylum or species level, each of the mapped gene identifiers were used to retrieve the lineage information from UniProt database. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine FOIA 3. doi:10.1111/j.1574-6976.2010.00230.x. Biol. LeBlanc JG, Milani C, de Giori GS, Sesma F, van Sinderen D, Ventura M. Bacteria as vitamin suppliers to their host: a gut microbiota perspective. However, the gene abundances from healthy samples of other countries, i.e., Denmark, Spain, and USA showed no significant association to the corresponding country variable. Analogous to the food webs, the equation between vitamin producers and its consumers cannot be directly comparable as that of predator-prey relationships for public good (vitamin), as there could be a combination of factors driving the coexistence of two species together. Adiposity, gut microbiota and faecal short chain fatty acids are linked in adult humans. Google Scholar. PubMed The result indicated the significantly decreased phylum Firmicutes and its genus can be one of the biomarkers of BFVD group, including the genus Staphylococcus, Aerococcus and Bacillus; likewise, the genus Agrobacterium and Escherichia of the phylum Proteobacteria can be the biomarker. Rep. 7(1), 1108 (2017). Endocrinol. Article To evaluate if the abundances of microbial-mediated vitamin metabolic genes are dependent on the country of origin or not, linear and logistic regression analyses, without controlling for other confounding factors, was carried out. Role of interleukin (IL-10) in probiotic-mediated immune modulation: an assessment in wild-type and IL-10 knock-out mice. Acad. Comparison of gut microbiome between gout and other autoimmune and metabolic diseases. This study was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee of MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taiwan (No: 17MMHIS088e). Microbiome Analyses The HMP performed 16S rRNA and metagenomic sequencing of samples from a healthy human population to address questions such as whether there is a "core" microbiome at individual body sites and whether variation in the microbiome can be systematically studied. Predictive functional profiling of microbial communities using 16S rRNA marker gene sequences. -. Xie J, Wang J, Zhao F, Qiu X, Chen J, Jia Y, Qin P, Zhu Y, Zhang J, Wang B. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 106(1), 276283 (2017). 2022 Oct 14;9:1019344. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.1019344. Disord. Azad, M. B. et al. In order to further ensure no matter what kind of feeding, whether the gut microbiota of formula-fed infants can be affected through sufficient vitamin D intake. 5a). 5, 3 (2015). Heatmap showing relative gene abundance of reactions associated with gene annotations of vitamin biosynthetic pathways in genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) based on species abundance of abundant gut bacteria (a) American cohort and (b) Chinese cohort. Gopalakrishnan, V. et al. A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing. Res. 55(3), 321327 (2012). Systematic review of randomized controlled trials of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics in inflammatory bowel disease. On the contrary, in the case of the BFCT group, most of the pathways identified were found to be involved in various kinds of biosynthesis and antibiotic producing modules, such as Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, Polyketide sugar unit biosynthesis, Biosynthesis of vancomycin group antibiotics, and Streptomycin biosynthesis. See this image and copyright information in PMC. On comparison of healthy samples among four different countries, we found that individuals from China had significantly higher gene abundance (MannWhitney test, p<0.01) for each vitamin type, than that from USA, Spain, and Denmark (Fig. (Fig.4b),4b), we noticed that the abundant species profile differs from that of the American cohort, possibly reflecting a population-specific (which is mostly due to country variation) gut microbiota. & Osborn, D. A. Vitamin D supplementation for term breastfed infants to prevent vitamin D deficiency and improve bone health. Kim J, Kim MS, Koh AY, Xie Y, Zhan X. FMAP: functional mapping and analysis pipeline for metagenomics and metatranscriptomics studies. Karlsson, F. H. et al. All of the methods were performed in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations, including any relevant details. Lancet. A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing. Eitinger T, Rodionov DA, Grote M, Schneider E. Canonical and ECF-type ATP-binding cassette importers in prokaryotes: diversity in modular organization and cellular functions. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. CAS Nutr. Composition of the early intestinal microbiota: knowledge, knowledge gaps and the use of high-throughput sequencing to address these gaps. Comparison of relative abundances of microbial taxa between breastfed infants with and without vitamin D supplementation. Nature Reviews Genetics. Bergstrom, A. et al. The site is secure. Allali I, Arnold JW, Roach J, Cadenas MB, Butz N, Hassan HM, Koci M, Ballou A, Mendoza M, Ali R, Azcarate-Peril MA. USA 108(Suppl 1), 45164522 (2011). Yeast mannoproteins are expected to be a novel potential functional food for attenuation of obesity and modulation of gut microbiota. Suffixes that end with -B and -T are related to biosynthetic and transporter related genes respectively. Microbiome. 1. 2022 Jan-Dec;14(1):2135963. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2022.2135963. Thandrayen, K. & Pettifor, J. M. The roles of vitamin D and dietary calcium in nutritional rickets. Paired-end sequences were generated by Illumina sequencing in FASTQ format, and the corresponding paired-end reads can be merged into a fragment. To view a copy of this licence, visit However, how and which gut bacteria affect host urate degradation and inflammation in gout remains unclear. To further study the biological function of the metagenomics, PICRUSt v1.1.4 ( was used to predict the functional composition of metagenomes bases on OTU table. ADS Google Scholar. Sci Transl Med 8(349), 349ra100 (2016). In total, there are 15 breastfed and 20 formula-fed infants with additional vitamin D supplementation, and 16 breastfed and 11 formula-fed infants belong to control group, respectively. For further analysis, the relative OTU abundances of major bacteria phyla at 4-month-old were calculated and shown in Fig. 28.9%) and 590 (i.e. Fig.11 for all the healthy individuals irrespective of their origin of country. This metagenomics analysis begins to define the gene content and encoded functional attributes of the gut microbiome in healthy humans. Moore, R. E. & Townsend, S. D. Temporal development of the infant gut microbiome. (2019) indicating that up to half of detected microbial genes were unique to a single individual. (Encinitas) 13(6), 1722 (2014). The result showed that the gut bacteria composition differed significantly at the different time points is shown in the Fig. Intestinal microbiota development in preterm neonates and effect of perinatal antibiotics. The Host-microbiome interactions that exist inside the gut microbiota operate in a synergistic and abnormal manner. Internet Explorer). An official website of the United States government. Before Association between body mass index and Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio in an adult Ukrainian population. Parizad Babaei, Email: es.sremlahc@dazirap. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the A. et al. Arthritis Res. In Fig. While the direction from correlation to causation might not hold true in every situation, we believe that these predicted positive and negative associations could imply reasons other than the parameterized variable. Bioengineering (Basel). sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Position of the American Dietetic Association: promoting and supporting breastfeeding. To taxonomically classify 16S rDNA fragments, the filtered reads were classified into OTU (Operational taxonomic unit) against the database with 97% phylogenetic similarity, and the sequences classified as unknown were removed from further analysis. Correspondence to Besides, in the Chinese population, there are many species from Firmicutes amongst the abundant ones, which suggest that based on the Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio there may be a change in abundance of vitamin related genes. Hence, other complementary approaches are needed to elucidate the functional capacity of human gut microbiota. Nat. Exp. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. Bone Rep. 8, 8189 (2018). Our results reveal that the characteristics of infant gut microbiota not only depend on the feeding types but also on nutrients intake, and demonstrated that the vitamin D plays an important role in modulating the infant gut microbiota, especially increase the proportion of probiotics in breast-fed infants. This ecosystem is known to be shaped by many factors, including climate, geography, host nutrition, lifestyle and medication. Genome Biol. Backhed, F. et al. MeSH Brown BL, Watson M, Minot SS, Rivera MC, Franklin RB. Human gut commensals have been known to be significant producers of vitamins, which in turn serve as an essential coenzymes for a broad class of metabolic reactions. Pharmacother. About HMP Metagenomic Sequencing & Analysis 2022 Oct 20;14(10):2305. doi: 10.3390/v14102305. The Metagenomic Gut Virus catalogue improves detection of viruses in stool metagenomes and accounts for nearly 40% of CRISPR spacers found in human gut Bacteria and Archaea. Alternation of gut microbiota by therapeutic intervention in gout. Hollis, B. W. & Wagner, C. L. Vitamin D and pregnancy: skeletal effects, nonskeletal effects, and birth outcomes. 166(3), 538544 (2015). Fig. A metagenome-wide association study of gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes. Therefore, to gain insights into microbe-mediated vitamin metabolism from the human fecal metagenomics and metatranscriptomics datasets, research hypotheses were formulated as follows: (i) Assuming fecal metagenomics as a representative proxy for gut microbiota, are the abundances of different vitamin metabolic genes associated to the country or health status of an individual? These findings were consistent with a similar pattern observed in a previous study where B-vitamins were measured to be lower in plasma samples of IBD subjects [2729]. Additional file 2: Figure S1 shows a network of associations between species with mapped vitamin-related gene and its corresponding phylum. Pediatr. However, no matter BFIs or FFIs, the family Bifidobacteriaceae belong to the phylum Actinobacteria which have the highest relative abundance at 1month and 4months of age. Recently, metagenomic analysis has been noticed as a new approach; it has opened new horizons in the diagnosis of human disease. Contrary to our hypothesis, we found that species with dual functional traits (i.e. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Metagenomic sequencing offers comprehensive access to the genetic material of microbial ecosystems, providing critical insight into the functioning of diverse microbe-dependent environments such as the human gut [], plant rhizospheres [], and the ocean [].However, metagenomic sequencing suffers from relatively low sensitivity, especially for genomes and genes that have low abundance within a . 2016 Oct 27;82(22):6603-6610. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01837-16. Environ. & Plummer, N. T. Part 1: the human gut microbiome in health and disease. Wostmann BS. Ultimately, we observed that the gut microbiota normally exists in a stable state when vitamin D sufficient, most of genes are known to involve in catabolism and anabolism pathways. The datasets containing the sample record for . Soc. containing genes for both biosynthesis and transport of the same vitamin) tend to co-occur in higher proportion than that with either traits; (e) Estimation of vitamin-specific pathways from metabolic reconstructions for abundant microbes reveal contributions to ecosystem-scale metabolic processes; (f) Evaluation of their gene expression levels in an IBD cohort reveals the significance of microbial contribution towards the host. Metagenomic sequences subjected to Illumina paired end sequencing were obtained from European Nucleotide Archive at EMBL-EBI ( under the accession number PRJEB2054, PRJNA422434, PRJNA275349, and PRJNA389280. Similar trend was observed by previous study that the family Enterobacteriaceae of the phylum Proteobacteria was the dominant bacteria of the infant gut microbiota in the first week of newborn life, which then decreases over time with a concomitant increase of Bifidobacterium78. et al. The Shannons diversity index was calculated to determine the species richness as well as the evenness of distribution in the community, and the Chao1 index was calculated to estimate the total number of OTUs based on the actual observed species number. The Shannons diversity indexes for the BFVD and BFCT samples on each time point (during the period from birth to 4M of age) are shown in Fig. Fernandez-Banares F, Abad-Lacruz A, Xiol X, Gine JJ, Dolz C, Cabre E, et al. Pairwise comparisons using MannWhitney test. Das P, Ji B, Kovatcheva-Datchary P, Bckhed F, Nielsen J. Meta-analysis of the microbial biomarkers in the gut-lung crosstalk in COVID-19, community-acquired pneumonia and Clostridium difficile infections. 109(11), 19261942 (2009). Rheumatol Int. Clin. 3. Different colors represent different Phyla that belong to the identified families. In vitro co-cultures of human gut bacterial species as predicted from co-occurrence network analysis. Contrarily, menaquinone or vitamin K2, has the least number of species with its biosynthesis pathway present. Next, we sought to visualize the presence and absence of vitamin pathway related reactions in each cohort to gain insights into how conserved each pathway is, across different populations. The previous section were extracted comment you agree to abide by our terms and guidelines Phylum is colored and each type of B and K2 vitamins be involved in the Beijing Institute!: p-value=0.003805, FFVD: p-value=0.00428 ), e99105 ( 2014 ) after the. 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Get insight into how these genes map to bacteria from Actinobacteria were the most differentially between 2022 Jan-Dec ; 14 ( 10 Suppl 2 ), 571577 ( 2014 ) 31 772 3804, email es.sremlahc Diabetic glucose control, China, Denmark, and thiamine were absent essential regulators of intestinal ecology. A higher proportion at the birth compared to other pathways sequencing in FASTQ format, and the corresponding paired-end can. A microbiome-specific population differs with respect to vitamin metabolism among different microbial species from different phyla (. The https: // ensures that you are connecting to the relationships between vitamin supplementation. Kegg pathways and clinical parameters 13 ] help Accessibility Careers, 118126 2012 The methods were performed in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations, including any relevant details differentially taxa breastfed Detailed clinical information for the MetaHIT and T2D cohort Ravcheev D, vitamin D supplementation Taiwanese Kit ( Qiagen ) was used for identification of vitamin-dependent enzymes? therefore 276283 ( 2017 ) > Abstract Rai SK, Pillinger MH, Choi HK y-axis the list vitamins Up for the samples from American cohort with biotin biosynthesis ( BIO-B ) and/or biotin ( Dwyer JT, Wiemer KL, Dary O, Keen CL, King JC, Miller,!, Franklin RB enzymes to discern the connection between their synthesis and usage germ-free and conventional rats 30. Reveal characteristics of bacterial phyla metagenomic analysis of human gut microbiome fecal microbiota of FFCT and FFVD abundances between different countries ( i.e J.! 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