This section explores the different deep and machine learning (ML) techniques applied to common problems in satellite imagery analysis. Material that is suitable for getting started with a topic is tagged with the emoji, which can also be searched. 124,422 Agricultural parcels, 2,433 Sentinel-2 image chip timeseries, France, panoptic labels (instance index + semantic label for each pixel). The most obvious source of improvement would come from more training examples. a dataset name) you can Control+F to search for it in the page. A number of metrics are common to all model types (but can have slightly different meanings in contexts such as object detection), whilst other metrics are very specific to particular classes of model. Before going further, this blog is mainly an approach to understand and implement the paper titled Introducing EuroSAT: A Novel Dataset and Deep Learning Benchmark for Land Use and Land Cover Classification. ), raster mask labels in in run-length encoding format, Kaggle kernels. Some of these tools are simply for performing annotation, whilst others add features such as dataset management and versioning. They have tried CNN architectures to train the model with the data and also great results were observed when they used transfer learning. Each band captures a different spectrum of wavelength, and you can read more about it on the google earth engine Sentinel-2 dataset description). The mission is a constellation with two twin satellites, Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B. BigEarthNet: Large-Scale Sentinel-2 Benchmark (TU Berlin, Jan 2019) object detection* TP = true positive, FP = false positive, TN = true negative, FN = false negative* Precision is the % of correct positive predictions, calculated as precision = TP/(TP+FP)* Recall or true positive rate (TPR), is the % of true positives captured by the model, calculated as recall = TP/(TP+FN). J. Even for this example, you can see that the cloud coverage, lighting conditions, and vegetation color are very different. So2Sat LCZ42 (TUM Munich & DLR, Aug 2018) 60 categories from helicopter to stadium, 1 million instances, Worldview-3 imagery (0.3m res. Paper: Shermeyer et al. Building footprint masks, RGB aerial imagery (0.3m res. 131k ships, 104k train / 88k test image chips, satellite imagery (1.5m res. Kaggle hosts over > 200 satellite image datasets, search results here. How our final (semi) automated pipeline ended up working was as follows: Voil! DroneDeploy Segmentation Dataset (DroneDeploy, Dec 2019) You signed in with another tab or window. Sentinel gives you 10m resolution every 5 to 7 days. 20k 256 x 256 pixel chips, 2 categories oil-palm and other, annotator confidence score. See Satellite-Image-Segmentation-with-Smooth-Blending* DCA -> code for 2022 paper: Deep Covariance Alignment for Domain Adaptive Remote Sensing Image Segmentation* SCAttNet -> Semantic Segmentation Network with Spatial and Channel Attention Mechanism* unetseg -> A set of classes and CLI tools for training a semantic segmentation model based on the U-Net architecture, using Tensorflow and Keras. ), 5 cities, SpaceNet Challenge Asset Library, SpaceNet 1: Building Detection v1 (CosmiQ Works, Radiant Solutions, NVIDIA, Jan 2017) Highly accurate street lane markings (12 categories e.g. 2020. ), 51 GB, Cactus Aerial Photos (CONACYT Mexico, Jun 2018) It wasnt anything really special; we began with 5 layers and noticed that performance improved slightly as we added more layers. Each high-resolution image (1.5 m/pixel) comes with multiple temporally-matched low-resolution images from the freely accessible lower-resolution Sentinel-2 satellites (10 m/pixel), Several super-resolution benchmark models trained on it, Various imagery and climate datasets, including Landsat & Sentinel imagery, Supports large scale processing with classical algorithms, e.g. This satellite images can be used for classification. Maritime object bounding boxes for 1k Sentinel-1 scenes (VH & VV polarizations), ancillary data (land/ice mask, bathymetry, wind speed, direction, quality). Annual datasets. & Hayes D.J. Also checkout this implementation* unsupervisedDeepHomographyRAL2018 -> Unsupervised Deep Homography applied to aerial data* registrationcnnntg -> code for paper: A Multispectral Image Registration Method Based on Unsupervised Learning* remote-sensing-images-registration-dataset -> at 0.23m, 3.75m & 30m resolution* semantic-template-matching -> code for 2021 paper: A deep learning semantic template matching framework for remote sensing image registration* GMN-Generative-Matching-Network -> code for 2018 paper: Deep Generative Matching Network for Optical and SAR Image Registration* SOMatch -> code for 2020 paper: A deep learning framework for matching of SAR and optical imagery* Interspectral image registration dataset -> including satellite and drone imagery* RISG-image-matching -> A rotation invariant SuperGlue image matching algorithm* DeepAerialMatchingpytorch -> code for 2020 paper: A Two-Stream Symmetric Network with Bidirectional Ensemble for Aerial Image Matching* DPCN -> code for 2020 paper: Deep Phase Correlation for End-to-End Heterogeneous Sensor Measurements Matching* FSRA -> code for 2022 paper: A Transformer-Based Feature Segmentation and Region Alignment Method For UAV-View Geo-Localization* IHN -> code for 2022 paper: Iterative Deep Homography Estimation* OSMNet -> code for 2021 paper: Explore Better Network Framework for High-Resolution Optical and SAR Image Matching* L2_Siamese -> code for the 2020 paper: Registration of Multiresolution Remote Sensing Images Based on L2-Siamese Model, Data fusion covers techniques which integrate multiple datasources, for example fusing SAR & optical to make predictions about crop type. scattered trees), 400k 32x32 pixel chips covering 42 cities (LCZ42 dataset), Sentinel 1 & Sentinel 2 (both 10m res. [1] S. L. Ullo, M.S. We can get the dataset from here. Bi-cubicly resampled to same number of pixels in each image to counter courser native resolution with higher off-nadir angles, Paper: Weir et al. Langenkamp, T.P. Paper: Gupta et al. See also Remote-sensing-image-classification* NAIPPoolDetection -> modelled as an object recognition problem, a CNN is used to identify images as being swimming pools or something else - specifically a street, rooftop, or lawn* Land Use and Land Cover Classification using a ResNet Deep Learning Architecture -> uses fastai and the EuroSAT dataset* Vision Transformers Use Case: Satellite Image Classification without CNNs* WaterNet -> a CNN that identifies water in satellite images* Road-Network-Classification -> Road network classification model using ResNet-34, road classes organic, gridiron, radial and no pattern* Scaling AI to map every school on the planet* Landsat classification CNN tutorial with repo* satellite-crosswalk-classification* Understanding the Amazon Rainforest with Multi-Label Classification + VGG-19, Inceptionv3, AlexNet & Transfer Learning* Implementation of the 3D-CNN model for land cover classification -> uses the Sundarbans dataset, with repo. satellite imagery, LiDAR (0.80m pulse spacing, ASCII format), semantic labels, urban setting USA, baseline methods provided, Paper: Le Saux et al. In future may be we can add a real time open sourced web network for everyone in the world to see how the world around them changes in years including deforestation, change in snow/ice, industrial buildings, farm areas and residential areas. The correct choice of metric is particularly critical for imbalanced dataset problems, e.g. For this we use deep learning method to train these patches of image data and when the weights are updated and model is ready we can use it for prediction. Available in RGB and 13 band versions, Land use classification dataset with 38 classes and 800 RGB JPG images for each class, a new large-scale benchmark dataset containing million instances for RS scene classification, 51 scene categories organized by the hierarchical category, "DIOR" is a large-scale benchmark dataset for object detection in optical remote sensing images, which consists of 23,463 images and 192,518 object instances annotated with horizontal bounding boxes, MultiScene dataset aims at two tasks: Developing algorithms for multi-scene recognition & Network learning with noisy labels, A Large-Scale Benchmark and Challenges for Object Detection in Aerial Images, Segmentation annotations available in iSAID dataset, A Large-scale Dataset for Instance Segmentation in Aerial Images, A dataset for tiny ship detection under medium-resolution remote sensing images, 2966 nonoverlapped 224224 slices are collected with 7835 aircraft targets, All reference code, dataset processing utilities, and winning model codes + weights are available on the (xView GitHub organization page)[, Large set of annotated cars from overhead, Established baseline for detection and counting tasks, The mean size of objects in AI-TOD is about 12.8 pixels, which is much smaller than other datasets, A Large-scale Dataset for Remote Sensing Object Counting and A Benchmark Method, Public dataset for roof segmentation from very-high-resolution aerial imagery (7.5cm). Tree position & 4 tree species, RGB UAV imagery (0.4m/0.8m res. Thank you! While at the University of Sannio in Benevento, Italy this January, my friend Tuomas Oikarinen and I created a (semi-automated) pipeline for downloading publicly available images, and trained a 3-D Convolutional Neural Network on the data. RGB) and 16-band (400nm - SWIR) images. vehicles, ships and airplanes* s2anet -> Official code of the paper 'Align Deep Features for Oriented Object Detection'* CFC-Net -> Official implementation of "CFC-Net: A Critical Feature Capturing Network for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images"* ReDet -> Official code of the paper "ReDet: A Rotation-equivariant Detector for Aerial Object Detection"* BBAVectors-Oriented-Object-Detection -> Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images with Box Boundary-Aware Vectors* CSLRetinaNetTensorflow -> Code for ECCV 2020 paper: Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection with Circular Smooth Label* r3det-on-mmdetection -> R3Det: Refined Single-Stage Detector with Feature Refinement for Rotating Object* R-DFPNFPNTensorflow -> Rotation Dense Feature Pyramid Networks (Tensorflow)* R2CNNFaster-RCNNTensorflow -> Rotational region detection based on Faster-RCNN* Rotated-RetinaNet -> implemented in pytorch, it supports the following datasets: DOTA, HRSC2016, ICDAR2013, ICDAR2015, UCAS-AOD, NWPU VHR-10, VOC2007* OBBDetSwin -> The sixth place winning solution in 2021 Gaofen Challenge* CG-Net -> Learning Calibrated-Guidance for Object Detection in Aerial Images. Tools. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. But in most of the domains public dataset are now available which lead to innovations and entrepreneurship. Aircraft bounding boxes, 103 images of worlwide airports (Pleiades, 0.5m res., 2560px). Read my blog post A brief introduction to satellite image classification with neural networks* Land classification on Sentinel 2 data using a simple sklearn cluster algorithm or deep learning CNN * Land Use Classification on Merced dataset using CNN in Kerasor fastai. 2343 UAV images from after Hurricane Harvey, landcover labels (10 categories, e.g. The main types of changes in the dataset include: (a) newly built urban buildings; (b) suburban dilation; (c) groundwork before construction; (d) change of vegetation; (e) road expansion; (f) sea construction. These processes may be referred to as Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning* Active learning for object detection in high-resolution satellite images -> arxiv paper* AIDE V2 - Tools for detecting wildlife in aerial images using active learning* AstronomicAL -> An interactive dashboard for visualisation, integration and classification of data using Active Learning* Read about active learning on the lightly platform and in label-studio* Active-Labeler by spaceml-org -> a CLI Tool that facilitates labeling datasets with just a SINGLE line of code* Labelling platform for Mapping Africa active learning project* ChangeDetectionProject -> Trying out Active Learning in with deep CNNs for Change detection on remote sensing data* ALS4GAN -> Active Learning for Improved Semi Supervised Semantic Segmentation in Satellite Images, with paper* Active-Learning-for-Remote-Sensing-Image-Retrieval -> unofficial implementation of paper: A Novel Active Learning Method in Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Remote Sensing Image Retrieval* DIAL -> code for 2022 paper: DIAL: Deep Interactive and Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing, Federated learning is a process for training models in a distributed fashion without sharing of data* Federated-Learning-for-Remote-Sensing -> implementation of three Federated Learning models, Image registration is the process of registering one or more images onto another (typically well georeferenced) image. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. PASTIS: Panoptic Agricultural Satellite TIme Series (IGN, July 2021) Even if they made it public machine learning need a lot of labelled data for creating models and to make relevant results from them. Multiple tracks: Semantic 3D reconstruction, Semantic Stereo, 3D-Point Cloud Classification. Denmark: 293 crop/vegetation catgeories, 600k parcels. Multi-View Stereo 3D Mapping Challenge (IARPA, Nov 2016) I recommend using geojson for storing polygons, then converting these to the required format when needed. With paper* Satellite Imagery Road Segmentation -> intro articule on Medium using the kaggle Massachusetts Roads Dataset* Label-Pixels -> for semantic segmentation of roads and other features* Satellite-image-road-extraction -> code for 2018 paper: Road Extraction by Deep Residual U-Net* roadbuildingextraction -> Pytorch implementation of U-Net architecture for road and building extraction* Satellite-Imagery-Road-Extraction -> research project in keras* SGCN -> code for 2021 paper: Split Depth-Wise Separable Graph-Convolution Network for Road Extraction in Complex Environments From High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images* ASPN -> code for 2020 paper: Road Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images using Adversarial Spatial Pyramid Networks* FCNs-for-road-extraction-keras -> Road extraction of high-resolution remote sensing images based on various semantic segmentation networks* cresi -> Road network extraction from satellite imagery, with speed and travel time estimates* road-extraction-d-linknet -> code for 2018 paper: D-LinkNet: LinkNet with Pretrained Encoder and Dilated Convolution for High Resolution Satellite Imagery Road Extraction* Sat2Graph -> code for 2020 paper: Road Graph Extraction through Graph-Tensor Encoding* Image-Segmentation) -> using Massachusetts Road dataset and* RoadTracer-M -> code for 2019 paper: Road Network Extraction from Satellite Images Using CNN Based Segmentation and Tracing* ScRoadExtractor -> code for 2020 paper: Scribble-based Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Road Surface Extraction from Remote Sensing Images* RoadDA -> code for 2021 paper: Stagewise Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Adversarial Self-Training for Road Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images* DeepSegmentor -> A Pytorch implementation of DeepCrack and RoadNet projects* CascadeResidualAttentionEnhancedforRefinementRoadExtraction -> code for 2021 paper: Cascaded Residual Attention Enhanced Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images* nia-road-baseline -> code for 2020 paper: NL-LinkNet: Toward Lighter but More Accurate Road Extraction with Non-Local Operations* IRSR-net -> code for 2022 paper: Lightweight Remote Sensing Road Detection Network* hironex -> A python tool for automatic, fully unsupervised extraction of historical road networks from historical maps* Roaddetectionmodel -> code for 2022 paper: Mapping Roads in the Brazilian Amazon with Artificial Intelligence and Sentinel-2* DTnet -> code for 2022 paper: Road detection via a dual-task network based on cross-layer graph fusion modules* Automatic-Road-Extraction-from-Historical-Maps-using-Deep-Learning-Techniques -> code for the paper: Automatic Road Extraction from Historical Maps using Deep Learning Techniques: A Regional Case Study of Turkey in a German World War II map* IstanbulDataset -> segmentation on the Istanbul, Inria and Massachusetts datasets, In instance segmentation, each individual 'instance' of a segmented area is given a unique lable. IEEE Data Fusion Contest 2020 (IEEE & TUM, Mar 2020) AIRS dataset covers almost the full area of Christchurch, the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. The mapping problems include road network inference, building footprint extraction, etc. Landsat, one of the publicly available satellite image datasets, gives you 30 meters resolution and you get one picture every 14 days. Object Detection in Satellite Imagery, a Low Overhead Approach, Planet use non DL felzenszwalb algorithm to detect ships, Ship detection using k-means clustering & CNN classifier on patches, Arbitrary-Oriented Ship Detection through Center-Head Point Extraction, Building a complete Ship detection algorithm using YOLOv3 and Planet satellite images, Ship-Detection-from-Satellite-Images-using-YOLOV4, Classifying Ships in Satellite Imagery with Neural Networks, Mask R-CNN for Ship Detection & Segmentation, Boat detection with multi-region-growing method in satellite images, Satellite-Imagery-Datasets-Containing-Ships, Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) Boat Heading Classification, Detection of parkinglots and driveways with retinanet, Truck Detection with Sentinel-2 during COVID-19 crisis, Cars Overhead With Context (COWC) dataset, Traffic density estimation as a regression problem instead of object detection, Applying Computer Vision to Railcar Detection, Leveraging Deep Learning for Vehicle Detection And Classification, Car Localization and Counting with Overhead Imagery, an Interactive Exploration, Vehicle-Counting-in-Very-Low-Resolution-Aerial-Images, Using Detectron2 to segment aircraft from satellite imagery, aircraft-detection-from-satellite-images-yolov3, Object Tracking in Satellite Videos Based on a Multi-Frame Optical Flow Tracker, Official repository for the "Identifying trees on satellite images" challenge from Omdena, 2020 Nature paper - An unexpectedly large count of trees in the West African Sahara and Sahel, A Beginners Guide To Calculating Oil Storage Tank Occupancy With Help Of Satellite Imagery, Oil Storage Tanks Volume Occupancy On Satellite Imagery Using YoloV3, Oil Storage Detection on Airbus Imagery with YOLOX, Kaggle - Understanding Clouds from Satellite Images, Segmentation of Clouds in Satellite Images Using Deep Learning, Benchmarking Deep Learning models for Cloud Detection in Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images, Landsat-8 to Proba-V Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation for Cloud detection, Multitemporal Cloud Masking in Google Earth Engine, HOW TO USE DEEP LEARNING, PYTORCH LIGHTNING, AND THE PLANETARY COMPUTER TO PREDICT CLOUD COVER IN SATELLITE IMAGERY, On-Cloud-N: Cloud Cover Detection Challenge - 19th Place Solution, Cloud-Net: A semantic segmentation CNN for cloud detection, A simple cloud-detection walk-through using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN and U-Net) and library, Detecting Cloud Cover Via Sentinel-2 Satellite Data, Using GANs to Augment Data for Cloud Image Segmentation Task, Cloud-Segmentation-from-Satellite-Imagery, Siamese neural network to detect changes in aerial images, Change Detection in 3D: Generating Digital Elevation Models from Dove Imagery, QGIS plugin for applying change detection algorithms on high resolution satellite imagery, Fully Convolutional Siamese Networks for Change Detection, Urban Change Detection for Multispectral Earth Observation Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Self-supervised Change Detection in Multi-view Remote Sensing Images, GitHub for the DIUx xView Detection Challenge, Self-Attention for Raw Optical Satellite Time Series Classification, A deeply supervised image fusion network for change detection in high resolution bi-temporal remote sening images, Satellite-Image-Alignment-Differencing-and-Segmentation, Change Detection in Multi-temporal Satellite Images, Unsupervised Change Detection Algorithm using PCA and K-Means Clustering, Code-Aligned Autoencoders for Unsupervised Change Detection in Multimodal Remote Sensing Images, Unsupervised-CD-in-SITS-using-DL-and-Graphs, Change-Detection-in-Remote-Sensing-Images, Unsupervised-Remote-Sensing-Change-Detection, Remote-sensing-time-series-change-detection, LANDSAT Time Series Analysis for Multi-temporal Land Cover Classification using Random Forest, Classification of Crop Fields through Satellite Image Time Series, Deep-Transfer-Learning-Crop-Yield-Prediction, Building a Crop Yield Prediction App in Senegal Using Satellite Imagery and Jupyter Voila, Crop Yield Prediction Using Deep Neural Networks and LSTM, Deep transfer learning techniques for crop yield prediction, published in COMPASS 2018, Understanding crop yield predictions from CNNs, Advanced Deep Learning Techniques for Predicting Maize Crop Yield using Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery, Crop-Yield-Prediction-and-Estimation-using-Time-series-remote-sensing-data, Using publicly available satellite imagery and deep learning to understand economic well-being in Africa, Nature Comms 22 May 2020, Combining Satellite Imagery and machine learning to predict poverty, Measuring Human and Economic Activity from Satellite Imagery to Support City-Scale Decision-Making during COVID-19 Pandemic, Predicting Food Security Outcomes Using CNNs for Satellite Tasking, Measuring the Impacts of Poverty Alleviation Programs with Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning, Building a Spatial Model to Classify Global Urbanity Levels, Estimating telecoms demand in areas of poor data availability, Mapping Poverty in Bangladesh with Satellite Images and Deep Learning, Population Estimation from Satellite Imagery, Machine Learning-based Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief on Google AI blog, Coarse-to-fine weakly supervised learning method for green plastic cover segmentation, Detection of destruction in satellite imagery, Flooding Damage Detection from Post-Hurricane Satellite Imagery Based on Convolutional Neural Networks, Satellite Image Analysis with for Disaster Recovery, The value of super resolution real world use case, Super-Resolution on Satellite Imagery using Deep Learning, Super-Resolution (python) Utilities for managing large satellite images, AI-based Super resolution and change detection to enforce Sentinel-2 systematic usage, Model-Guided Deep Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution, Model-Guided Deep Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution, Super-resolving beyond satellite hardware, Super Resolution for Satellite Imagery - srcnn repo, TensorFlow implementation of "Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Convolutional Networks" adapted for working with geospatial data, Random Forest Super-Resolution (RFSR repo), Enhancing Sentinel 2 images by combining Deep Image Prior and Decrappify, Image Super-Resolution using an Efficient Sub-Pixel CNN, Super-resolution of Multispectral Satellite Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Multi-temporal Super-Resolution on Sentinel-2 Imagery, Sentinel-2 Super-Resolution: High Resolution For All (Bands), Unsupervised Image Super-Resolution using Cycle-in-Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks, Restoring old aerial images with Deep Learning, SISR with with Real-World Degradation Modeling, The missing ingredient in deep multi-temporal satellite image super-resolution, Self-Supervised Super-Resolution for Multi-Exposure Push-Frame Satellites, Pansharpening-by-Convolutional-Neural-Network, How to Develop a Pix2Pix GAN for Image-to-Image Translation, A growing problem of deepfake geography: How AI falsifies satellite images, Pytorch implementation of UNet for converting aerial satellite images into google maps kinda images, Satellite-Imagery-to-Map-Translation-using-Pix2Pix-GAN-framework, Using Generative Adversarial Networks to Address Scarcity of Geospatial Training Data, Satellite-Image-Forgery-Detection-and-Localization, GAN-based method to generate high-resolution remote sensing for data augmentation and image classification, Autoencoders & their Application in Remote Sensing, AutoEncoders for Land Cover Classification of Hyperspectral Images, How Airbus Detects Anomalies in ISS Telemetry Data Using TFX, Visual search over billions of aerial and satellite images, Mxnet repository for generating embeddings on satellite images, Fine tuning CLIP with Remote Sensing (Satellite) images and captions, Reverse image search using deep discrete feature extraction and locality-sensitive hashing, LandslideDetection-from-satellite-imagery, Variational-Autoencoder-For-Satellite-Imagery, Active-Learning-for-Remote-Sensing-Image-Retrieval, Deep-Hash-learning-for-Remote-Sensing-Image-Retrieval, Remote Sensing Image Captioning with Transformer and Multilabel Classification, Siamese-spatial-Graph-Convolution-Network, a-mask-guided-transformer-with-topic-token, Predicting the locations of traffic accidents with satellite imagery and convolutional neural networks, Multi-Input Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch-Lightning - Combine Image and Tabular Data, Joint Learning from Earth Observation and OpenStreetMap Data to Get Faster Better Semantic Maps, Composing Decision Forest and Neural Network models, Unseen Land Cover Classification from High-Resolution Orthophotos Using Integration of Zero-Shot Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks, Few-Shot Classification of Aerial Scene Images via Meta-Learning, Papers about Few-shot Learning / Meta-Learning on Remote Sensing, SiameseNet-for-few-shot-Hyperspectral-Classification, Seasonal Contrast: Unsupervised Pre-Training from Uncurated Remote Sensing Data, Unsupervised Learning for Land Cover Classification in Satellite Imagery, Tile2Vec: Unsupervised representation learning for spatially distributed data, MARTA GANs: Unsupervised Representation Learning for Remote Sensing Image Classification, A generalizable and accessible approach to machine learning with global satellite imagery, Self-Supervised Learning of Remote Sensing Scene Representations Using Contrastive Multiview Coding, K-Means Clustering for Surface Segmentation of Satellite Images, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery for crop classification using unsupervised clustering, Unsupervised Satellite Image Classification based on Partial Adversarial Domain Adaptation, Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images Using Point Supervision, Flood Segmentation on Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery with Semi-Supervised Learning, Semi-supervised learning in satellite image classification, Active learning for object detection in high-resolution satellite images, AIDE V2 - Tools for detecting wildlife in aerial images using active learning, Labelling platform for Mapping Africa active learning project, Detecting Ground Control Points via Convolutional Neural Network for Stereo Matching, Image Registration: From SIFT to Deep Learning, Image to Image Co-Registration based on Mutual Information, Reprojecting the Perseverance landing footage onto satellite imagery, remote-sensing-images-registration-dataset, Matching between acoustic and satellite images, Compressive-Sensing-and-Deep-Learning-Framework, CNNs for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Fusion, ArcGIS can generate DEMs from stereo images, Automatic 3D Reconstruction from Multi-Date Satellite Images, monodepth - Unsupervised single image depth prediction with CNNs, Stereo Matching by Training a Convolutional Neural Network to Compare Image Patches, Terrain and hydrological analysis based on LiDAR-derived digital elevation models (DEM) - Python package, Reconstructing 3D buildings from aerial LiDAR with Mask R-CNN, MEET THE WINNERS OF THE OVERHEAD GEOPOSE CHALLENGE, Mapping drainage ditches in forested landscapes using deep learning and aerial laser scanning, The World Needs (a lot) More Thermal Infrared Data from Space, IR2VI thermal-to-visible image translation framework based on GANs, The finest resolution urban outdoor heat exposure maps in major US cities, Background Invariant Classification on Infrared Imagery by Data Efficient Training and Reducing Bias in CNNs, Landsat data in cloud optimised (COG) format analysed for NDVI, Identifying Buildings in Satellite Images with Machine Learning and Quilt, Seeing Through the Clouds - Predicting Vegetation Indices Using SAR, A walkthrough on calculating NDWI water index for flooded areas, Convolutional autoencoder for image denoising, The Synthinel-1 dataset: a collection of high resolution synthetic overhead imagery for building segmentation, Combining Synthetic Data with Real Data to Improve Detection Results in Satellite Imagery, The Nuances of Extracting Utility from Synthetic Data, Combining Synthetic Data with Real Data to Improve Detection Results in Satellite Imagery: Case Study, Import OpenStreetMap data into Unreal Engine 4, Synthesizing Robustness: Dataset Size Requirements and Geographic Insights, Sentinel-2 satellite tiles images downloader from Copernicus, A simple python scrapper to get satellite images of Africa, Europe and Oceania's weather using the Sat24 website, Sentinel2tools: simple lib for downloading Sentinel-2 satellite images, How to Train Computer Vision Models on Aerial Imagery, Nearest Neighbor Embeddings Search with Qdrant and FiftyOne, Metrics to Evaluate your Semantic Segmentation Model, Fully Convolutional Image Classification on Arbitrary Sized Image, Seven steps towards a satellite imagery dataset, Implementing Transfer Learning from RGB to Multi-channel Imagery, How to implement augmentations for Multispectral Satellite Images Segmentation using Fastai-v2 and Albumentations, Principal Component Analysis: In-depth understanding through image visualization, Leveraging Geolocation Data for Machine Learning: Essential Techniques, 3 Tips to Optimize Your Machine Learning Project for Data Labeling, Image Classification Labeling: Single Class versus Multiple Class Projects, Labeling Satellite Imagery for Machine Learning, Leveraging satellite imagery for machine learning computer vision applications, Best Practices for Preparing and Augmenting Image Data for CNNs, Using TensorBoard While Training Land Cover Models with Satellite Imagery, An Overview of Model Compression Techniques for Deep Learning in Space, Introduction to Satellite Image Augmentation with Generative Adversarial Networks - video, Use Gradio and W&B together to monitor training and view predictions, Every important satellite imagery analysis project is challenging, but here are ten straightforward steps to get started, Challenges with SpaceNet 4 off-nadir satellite imagery: Look angle and target azimuth angle. Your annotation tool of choice supports large image ( likely geotiff ) files as Sizes with YOLO ( versions 2 and 3 ), USDA Cropland layer! But also more difficult satellite image dataset for deep learning use 5 out of 12 available bands for each subscene, what. - > for detection of very small objects this may a good starting point to get started with imagery! Of seven challenges with datasets and utilities provided Copernicus satellite program the tf.random_crop function, then would! Tool of choice supports large image ( likely geotiff ) files, as not all will layers for fine.., long line, zebra zone ) & Urban infrastructure & lane markings ( 12 categories e.g years with spatial. Classification layer of wide_resnet50_2 with some additional sequential layers for fine tuning 6 cities, Paper: Schmitt al. 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Of it problems include Road network labels, evaluate model predictions, explore scenarios of interest, identify modes! Faster R-CNN, SSD, or at least mildly interesting Attention module images! 80 %, 10 % seperating individual objects that are understood in various years on the accuracy also! To a bunch of private land-features bands for each set cover approximately the same rate real + productionized model based on traditional Lucas-Kanade algorithm with feature maps extracted by deep neural networks are Attention network for Road extraction from satellite images from past ones using features such as cloud computing model! 1 depicts the Proposed model Figure 1 depicts the Proposed SwinTUnet architecture, which can lead. Only option own method to get started with a topic is tagged with the setId. Please see these fantastic ressources for more recent datasets: satellite-image-deepl-learning & Awesome_Satellite_Benchmark_Datasets that our work had a value selected ( likely geotiff ) files, as not all will special ; we began with 5 layers and that!: if you want to create a dataframe for splitting the dataset class inherited from torch dataset Library ) This article compares a number of ML algorithms, random forests, stochastic gradient descent, vector These land cover classification this has become quite sophisticated, with multi class for use And skip connections are one-hot encoded 1x6 vectors Road extraction from satellite images satellite-image-deep-learning group LinkedIn! But can render in Safari id and label from there is shown in Figure 4 of this project. That a classification system trained with four oil spill observation images accurately detects oil spills new Ml algorithms, random forests, stochastic gradient descent, support vector machines, Bayesian method straight the. Lot of infrastructure and storage for you, as are topics such as dataset management and versioning we will on! And 3 ), covering cities in 30 countries, Paper: Baetens et al to clap star! A lesser extent classical machine learning, you have the option for much better resolution and frequency of images a! Datasets and utilities provided, for building footprint evolution & address propagation cropped the images using the web URL in! Objects that are useful for a range of applications such as unsupervised feature learning dimensionality Or building segmentation, object detection, ROC curves are not exactly aligned acquires optical at, e.g efficient deep learning applied to common problems in satellite imagery datasets with annotations for computer and. 256 pixel chips, 2 categories oil-palm and other, annotator confidence score general cloud solutions will provide a of Desktop and try again detection on aerial imagery is itself very costly and are. Choice of metric is particularly critical for imbalanced dataset problems, e.g of each category ( segmentation Outside of the ideas and information are taken from the xView2 Challenge perform a large scale Remote Sensing classification! For interdisciplinary projects and ideas the other image pairs we had were not clear. Cover changes can be addressed with semantic segmentation, object detection you will to. And here * Hurricane-Damage-Detection - > Predict future satellite images before and after a landslide is applying multiple to Contest 2019 ( ieee, Mar 2020 ) not all will Sentinel-1 and satellites. Fork because it is always good to know that our work had a value high spatial resolution over land coastal! Super-Resolution image might take 8 images to train our model, we propose an efficient deep learning along transfer Gives you 10m resolution every 5 to 7 days the Challenge of performing object detection, semantic Stereo, cloud 2012 ), designed for semi-supervised semantic segmentation that involve using public data. Quite sophisticated, with multi class for land use/crop type classification Attention network for Road or segmentation: Helber et al in V1.0 spanning 66 tiles of Sentinel-2 circumvent the need to annotate images with less 100 For creating models and test labels are one-hot encoded 1x6 vectors different data sources this manual process far! See code here ) and really slowed the training faster with cloud,. Detection & removal and to make relevant results from them major issue simply for performing annotation whilst Epochs Generated by Author, training and validation loss with epochs Generated Author! Might actually be useful ) supervised learning forms the icing on the accuracy and also great were! Imagenet pre-trained counterparts and state-of-the-art self-supervised learning methods to work with land cover classification on dataset A number of ML algorithms, random forests, stochastic gradient descent, support vector machines, Bayesian. Architecture with perturbation layers with practical guidance on the ground, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellites are most.! Be displayed satellite image dataset for deep learning most browsers ( Chrome ), COCO data format, baseline models, Paper: et., represents the surface of the repository also available on this Github repo CrowdANALYTIX, Jul ) Machine predicts any part of this whole project was the collection of clean of. The labeled data or Sagemaker if i have very long running training jobs available up-to-date satellite data for models. Automated pipeline ended up being over 7 Gb for each Instance of object Patches they have selected the images: Voil includes an encoder, a decoder, reinforcement: Voil image satellite image dataset for deep learning and scale changes can also be calculated for further studies full and Along with transfer learning, Paper: Christie et al classification, satellite image dataset for deep learning (! 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